Oklahoma FGS Project
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Oklahoma Families with Surnames Beginning with S

These family group sheet files were contributed for use in the FGS Project. They may NOT
be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons.
Lloyd Bay SADLER (1931-2003)&Ethel Lea SELLS (1936-2005)
Tessie Lee SADLER (1902-1972)&Essie Gertrude DeSPAIN (1908-1992)
General Norman SALES (1878-????)&Martha Jane THOMPSON (1885-1968)
John Sherman SALES (1888-1969)&Ferris Ellen MORRISON (1888-1972)
John Will SALES (1852-1929)&Sarah Annie CLAXTON (1851-1935)
Joseph Marion SALES (1859-????)&Minty (????-????)
William Thompson SALES (1874-1952)&Minnie Gay POWERS (1877-1976)
James Marion SALMON (1857-1935)&Elma Olive 'Elmie' WEBB (1870-1958)
John L. SALMON (1836-1906)&Tabitha Emmiline DEARMAN (1838-1910)
Everett Thomas SAMPSON (1888-1960)&Thelma Rose FAIRBANKS (1914-2006)
Thomas Armstrong SANDERS (1882-1939)&Oda Bell HARKER (1884-1909)
Thomas Armstrong SANDERS (1882-1939)&Mollie Baker ROBINSON (1884-1943)
Monnie Elvin SCHLOSSER (1875-1962)&Keziah Robert PENN (1886-1966)
Arlington Wyatt SCOTT (1872-1946)&Marie Maria TOTHILL (1876-1953)
Frederick Morton SCOTT (1906-1993)&"Lois" Elaine CHASTAIN (1907-2001)
James Ammon SCOTT (1844-1929)&Delpha Elizabeth ABBOTT (1844-1911)
James Arlington SCOTT (1901-1990)&Clara RAGAN (1903-1994)
James Denton SCOTT (1818-1889)&Mary Elisabeth McINTOSH (1822-1896)
James Madison SCOTT (1862-1918)&Mabel WALLER (1868-1940)
Robert Charles SCOTT (1913-1996)&Violet GLADDEN (1918-2002)
Thomas Jefferson SCOTT (1850-1922)&Nancy Frances JENNINGS (1852-1900)
Wyatt Tothill "Scotty" SCOTT (1900-1981)&Gertrude THOMPSON (1901-1990)
Benjamin Franklin SEABORN (1856-1933)&Martha Margaret BOND (1859-1943)
Robert Lee SEABORN (1882-1955)&Bennie M. ELLIS (1884-1932)
Joseph Doughty SEAL (1838-1920)&Nancy Elizabeth McCALL (1848-1927)
William Franklin SELF (1890-1906)&Hazel Emmaline BONNER (1885-1968)
James Cuthbert SHAW (1870-1940)&Leora BROWN (1871-1946)
Theodore Moses SHELTON (1866-1893)&Anna Belle WHALEY (1869-1941)
James Fenton SHERRILL (1854-1944)&Josephine Roxanna WELLS (1862-1921)
James Lafayette SHOEMAKER (1852-1908)&Susan Katherine SNIDER (1863-1934)
Earl Hileman SHORTEN (1897-1957)&Irene Amanda BRACKETT (1912-1992)
Samuel Leroy SIMPKINS (1893-1977)&Edna Alice COX (1898-1982)
Frank SKELTON (1871-1921)&Mary Etta FERGUSON (1876-1955)
James Henry Wann SMALL (1847-1899)&Susan Elizabeth PATTERSON (1848-1908)
Jacob SMART (1856-1921)&Martha Emmaline CECIL (1862-1949)
Arthur A. SMITH (1865-1945)&Ellen Barbara BOWLING (1867-1909)
Elijah B. SMITH (1874-1934)&Anna May "Annie" CHILDERS (1877-1965)
Fred Harvey SMITH (1918-1972)&Juanita Arvella MACK (1921-1998)
Harvey Gilbert SMITH (1800-1940)&Florence Belle BEASTON (1800-1940)
Melvin Marlin SMITH (1862-1935)&Martha Amelia WATSON (1871-1951)
Millard Commadore SMITH (1899-1990)&Alpha Leona SMITHSON (1900-1971)
William Dugan SMITHSON (1832-1900)&Martha Serene HORNER (1843-1898)
Francis Marion SNOW (1865-1931)&Mary Jane JOHNSON (1883-1959)
Jonathan SPACE (1849-1909)&Ellen Barbara BOWLING (1867-1909)
Nicholas V. SPEARS (1857-????)&Malinda LYNCH (1854-????)
Lee Anson SPENCER (1888-1965)&Mandy "Belle" BERRY (1891-1974)
David SPROAT (1822-1907)&Lavina FRY (1823-1911)
Sanford Irwin SPROAT (1861-1936)&Artie Bell COBB (1868-1951)
Aaron Brock SPURGIN (1832-1922)&Mary Catherine BROUHARD (1840-1912)
John STARNS (1820-1889)&Mary MIDDLETON (1846-1911)
David STATLER (????-????)&Laura Ann HICKMAN (1844-1915)
Frank STELL (1853-1930)&Rosa Anna OSBORN (1862-1949)
Andrew C. STOKES (1872-????)&Lillia LYNCH (1878-????)
William Jacob STOVER (1874-1939)&Eliza Ann Malinda BURKHART (1886-1965)
Montee Mell STUART (1844-1928)&Hannah Rosetta Bell THOMASON (1878-1962)
Henry Daniel STUBBLEFIELD (1861-1948)&Sarah Elizabeth BALES (1873-1964)
William Andrew Roane SUGG (1872-1951)&Mary Olive CLARK (1873-1931)
Dozier Thornton SUTTON (1858-1927)&Katy Ophelia GRIFFIN (1865-1926)
Neville Ray SUTTON (1892-1987)&Lillie Mae DIXON (1896-1987)
Neville Ray SUTTON (1892-1987)&Alice Violet LABBAIT (1898-1995)

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