Oklahoma FGS Project
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Oklahoma Families with Surnames Beginning with E

These family group sheet files were contributed for use in the FGS Project. They may NOT
be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons.
James J. EARNEST (1871-1912)&Nancy Jane "Nannie" WILSON (1875-1906)
John Edwin EDGAR (1872-1962)&Sarah Elizabeth SMITH (1874-1943)
Clem Hickerson EDWARDS (1875-????)&Mary Dicy "Mary Dee" TAYLOR (1877-1913)
Arthur Claude ELLIS (1885-1939)&Nelle BURGESS (1890-1969)
Eli Marion ELLISON (1852-1946)&Mary Elizabeth BOHN (1857-1930)
Robert John Thomas ELMS (1868-1951)&Frances "Fanny" TAYLOR (1882-1959)
William W. EMERY (1837-1926)&Mary Jane TAYLOR (1846-1928)
William EPPLE (1867-????)&Roxan E BOYCE (1873-1917)
Lavander L. ERWIN (1857-1903)&Elizabeth Jane HENSON (1859-1949)
Charley Powell ETHERIDGE (1891-1956)&Nancy Elizabeth GEORGE (1869-1956)
Abraham EUBANKS (1869-1959)&Minnie MASTERSON (1888-1974)
Claiborne Walter EVANS (1807-1862)&Nancy THOMAS (1813-1890)
Rev. William Perry EVANS (1844-1920)&Sarah Carolyn JOHNSON (1852-1894)
Charles Dilmus EWING (1851-1928)&Mary Elizabeth BRYANT (1854-1939)

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Family Group Sheets are copyrighted by their submitters.
The pages are created, maintained and © 2003-2025, Gina Heffernan.
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