Oklahoma Family Group Sheet for the William Franklin SELF Family

Husband: William Franklin SELF
Birthdate: 25 Dec 1890
Birthplace: Honey Grove,Texas
Death date: 1906
Place of death: Ft Towsen,Oklahoma
Burial: Springs Cemetery,Hugo,Choctaw Co,Oklahoma
Father: William Carrol SELF
Mother: Mary Caroline BAXTER

Marriage date: 1904
Marriage place: Ft Towsen, Choctaw CO, OKlahoma

Wife: Hazel Emmaline BONNER
Birthdate: 25 Apr 1885
Birthplace: Allen,Kentucky
Death date: 1968
Place of death: Hugo,Choctaw Co, Okla
Burial: Old Doaksville Cemetery,Ft Towsen,Oklahoma
Father: Robert Sanford BONNER
Mother: Nancy Larzonia Frances Caroline CHANDLER


Child No. 1: Mabel Caroline
Sex: f
Birthdate: 25 Dec 1905
Birthplace: Ft Towsen,Choctaw Oklahoma
Death date: 2002
Place of death: Hugo, Choctaw Co,Oklahoma
Burial: Goodland Cemetery
Marriage date: 1923
Marriage place: Hugo,Choctaw,Oklahoma
Spouse's name: Dessie Ray HOLLOWAY
* Hazel BONNER SELF would later marry William Nelson GREENE.
* She was appointed the first woman ever as State Commissioner for the state of OKLAHOMA.
* She was appointed and chosen to be one of many to conduct interviews now known as the Pioneer Papers.

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