Oklahoma FGS Project
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Oklahoma Families with Surnames Beginning with L

These family group sheet files were contributed for use in the FGS Project. They may NOT
be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons.
Armel John LABBAIT (1875-1933)&Jessie Hattie Lena LAYTON (1875-1929)
John LABBAIT (1842-1932)&Mahala Louisa RIDDLE (1845-1929)
Owen T. LACK (1912-1987)&Vee [Vera] Bainey COURTNEY (1914-2002)
Abram P. LANDIS (1854-1917)&Sarah CHAMBERS (1859-1880)
Solomon LANDRETH (1852-1900)&Mary Ellen ATCHISON (1855-1917)
Emmor LASH (1835-1912)&Sarah Ann CLARK (1834-1903)
William C. LAWSON (1899-1977)&Viola Veola BREEDLOVE (1899-1978)
Coldric Alford LAXTON (1875-1960)&Gertrude Elizabeth MORRIS (1880-1951)
John Churchill LAYTON (1827-1905)&Sarah Mariah MACK (1839-1880)
Jeremiah J. LEAMING (1848-1944)&Martha Ann JAMES (1859-1949)
Thomas Ernest LEE (1887-1974)&Hattie Belle MALONEY (1900-1966)
James Madison LENOX (1852-1933)&Clara Elizabeth MARTIN (1858-1934)
Thomas Cleveland LEWIS (1884-1960)&Myrtie Maude KELLEY (1893-1966)
Perry Bryon LINCOLN (1852-1923)&Keziah ALDERMAN (1851-1880)
John Sebastian LITTLE (1871-1957)&Vianna "Viney" OSBURN (1866-1915)
Joseph Flem LITTLE (1828-1904)&Elizabeth WINSTEAD (1844-1939)
Noel B. LIVINGSTON (????-1937)&Ora Lee ATCHISON (1884-1977)
McCagel Lafayette LORD (1874-1953)&Neetie Althea ROBERTS (1895-1978)
Samuel Sutton LOWE (1871-1961)&Josephine BEASLEY (1873-????)
Willie Frank LOWREY (1866-1935)&Sarah Josephine HAYHURST (1872-1907)
Charles Robert LOWRIE (????-????)&Myrtle Parrish MINEHART (1873-????)
Louis Leroy LOWRIE (1914-????)&Virginia Dorothy MURROW (1920-2003)
Jesse Henry LUNSFORD (1897-1979)&Mabel LAWSON (1903-1983)
John Allen LUPTON (1866-1945)&Lydia Jane SMITH (1871-1954)
Cornelius Boudinot LYNCH (1867-1951)&Ella J. TINNIN (1872-1947)
Peter Gilfoil LYNCH (1832-1881)&Mary Ann DAM (1843-1920)
Robert Emmett LYNCH (1865-1932)&Grace Luela GOODAMOTE (1872-1963)
William LYNCH (1870-????)&Fannie Belle HEFFLEFINGER (1877-1973)

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Family Group Sheets are copyrighted by their submitters.
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