Oklahoma FGS Project
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Oklahoma Families with Surnames Beginning with T

These family group sheet files were contributed for use in the FGS Project. They may NOT
be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons.
Joe Walker TAYLOR (1879-1972)&Judie SMITH (1886-1977)
Nathaniel TAYLOR (1835-1916)&Hannah WELLS (1845-1923)
William TAYLOR (1841-1935)&Elizabeth Virginia "Jenny" McREE (1844-1870)
William TAYLOR (1841-1935)&Frances Elizabeth ENOCHS (1844-1927)
Henry Morgan TENNISON (1892-1955)&Elsie Cleora SLIGER (1893-1936)
John W. TENNISON (1866-1943)&Minerva Jane MELER (1870-1953)
Pressley M. TENNISON (1859-1918)&Amanda Ann MELER (1867-1947)
William James TENNISON (1835-1879)&Eliza Ann BURCH (1835-1903)
William Wiley THOMASON (1849-1918)&Margaret Surrilda CHAMBERS (1849-????)
Archibold THOMPSON (????-????)&Elizabeth JACKSON ? (????-????)
Charles Burton THOMPSON (1850-1933)&Anna Grayson McCOY (1861-1939)
Cyrus Raspberry THOMPSON (1869-1909)&Clemmie Rachael GAMMON (1871-1964)
Elder Lafayette THOMPSON (????-????)&Katie Belle ROBBINS (1910-1982)
James William THOMPSON (????-????)&Bell BUCIE / BUSEY ? (1873-1912)
Joseph Anderson King THOMPSON (1892-1960)&Martha Bathilda NICHOLS (1893-1982)
Welch Marion THOMPSON (1905-1978)&Marie Selena SCOTT (1904-1988)
John THORNTON (????-1875)&Nancy (????-1898)
William Arthur THRONEBERRY (1880-1962)&Josephine Ruie F. SORRELLS (1884-1967)
Freddie Moon "Dutch" THURMAN (1877-1953)&Nettie Samatha BROUGHTON (1876-1959)
Charles Alfred Bunyon TILLERY (1871-1966)&Florence Catherine BLANKENSHIP (1882-1988)
John Riley TILLEY (1868-1937)&Mary Ann CAGLE (1868-1947)
Archie Daniel TINGLE (1897-1967)&Minnie M GOODE (1895-1971)
Andrew TODD (1832-1901)&Ann Hazeltine WILSON (1842-1872)
George Washington TRISLER (1835-1922)&Nancy Ann WIRE (1850-1932)
Abraham Allen TRUESDELL (1839-1922)&Frankie D. THOMPSON (1853-1914)
Charles Wesley TRUESDELL (1836-1910)&Mary BLAIR (1849-1882)
Alac Whittey TUCKER (1871-1953)&Laura Ellen "Ella" MOORE (1877-1926)
George Caldwell TURNER (1876-1940)&Stella May TALLEY (1882-1931)

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