Oklahoma FGS Project
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Oklahoma Families with Surnames Beginning with K

These family group sheet files were contributed for use in the FGS Project. They may NOT
be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons.
James C. KANE (1874-1962)&Pheba Hannah MOLLOY (1878-1950)
Albert Linnwood KATES (1861-1938)&Eleanor Cross "Nell" MOORE (1866-1933)
Guy Ernest KEELER (1894-1970)&Daisy Leota MARTIN (1895-1977)
Charley Anderson KEITH (1870-1944)&Margaret Savanna COOPER (1878-1957)
Charles E. KELLEY (????-????)&Deborah LEE (1872-1912)
Thomas KENNEDY (1858-1909)&Dora LAWRENCE (1870-1957)
Martin Van Buren KENTNER (1843-1908)&Clarissa BURDEN (1845-1922)
Jackson Aaron KIDD (1859-1905)&Mary Loretta WHITE (1858-1938)
James Randolph KIDD (1829-1916)&Malinda BAILEY (1828-1899)
Jesse Harlon KIDD (1887-1966)&Myrtle Mary Amanda ROPER (1892-1965)
Benjamin Robert KIMBELL (1859-????)&Bertha Lee SNIVELY (1873-????)
George Washington KINCHELOE (1883-1950)&Ada Frances LEE (1892-1980)
William Bunch KINCHELOE (1876-1950)&Margaret BLACK (1879-1970)
William KING (1851-1939)&Octavia OLIVER (1850-1903)
Gustav Rudolph KNICK (1868-1950)&Emma Marie BREMER (1871-1962)
Edward Frederick Samuel Gustave KUNKE (1877-1961)&Pearl Ella PAXTON (1882-1949)

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Family Group Sheets are copyrighted by their submitters.
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