Oklahoma FGS Project
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Oklahoma Families with Surnames Beginning with B

These family group sheet files were contributed for use in the FGS Project. They may NOT
be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons.
James Floyd BAKER (1917-1984)&Dorothy Jeanne THOMPSON (1919-1996)
John J. BAKER (1838-1913)&Mary Tabitha SMITH (1838-1901)
Joseph Carroll BALLARD (1869-1941)&Alice Bertie LEDBETTER (1881-1962)
Elmer Deming BARGER (1885-1980)&Mae DAVIS (1895-1944)
Roscoe Ray BARGER (1876-1918)&Corrine LAIDLER (1877-1930)
Charlie Harrison BARKER (1896-1985)&Ruby Edith GRIFFIN (1903-1970)
Riley B. BARKER (1875-1970)&Bertie Nora RAINS (1884-1958)
Dwight Edward BARNARD (1892-1951)&Ola Ruth MOORE (1895-1966)
John Henry BARNETT (1860-1924)&Amanda Nancy Minerva ROSENBALM (1878-1967)
Elihu BARNUM (1827-1915)&Eloise Louisa FULLER (1826-1904)
Fred BARNUM (????-1966)&Ninnie Maude TRENT (1892-????)
Russell Ebenezer BARNUM (1847-1909)&Sarah M. ROLFE (1848-1912)
Frank G. BARTHEL (1858-1923)&Mary Elizabeth "Mollie" KERR (1872-1901)
Versal Hugh BATESEL (1898-1958)&Altha Alice KANE (1899-1990)
Albert BEAM (1907-1970)&Juanita Christine COLBERT (1909-1959)
Daniel Davis BEAM (1868-1950)&Emma HUGHES (????-????)
Joseph BEAN (1860-1910)&Sarah Effie "Sadie" EVANS (1878-1973)
Francis Leonard BEIN (1888-1969)&Pearl Theresa Jeanette STRAUB (1890-1962)
Andrew Jackson BELL (1839-1920)&Martha Jane ROACH (1843-1911)
Allen Ross BENNETT (1881-1961)&Margaret Maude "Maggie" REEVES (1885-1958)
John Wesley BENNETT (1861-1935)&Clarissa Clementine BONNETT (1865-1934)
James Griffith BERRY (1893-1945)&Eva Belle COLE (1898-1977)
James Oatis BERRY (1872-1961)&Alta Tryphena GREER (1879-1961)
Joe BERRY (????-????)&Martha BROWN (????-????)
John Alpheus BERRY (1829-1893)&Deborah Jane ADAMSON (1835-1918)
William Frederick BESS (1882-1941)&Mary Ann LOGAN (1885-1912)
Hardie BIGGS (1870-1956)&Sarah Jane PRUITT (1876-1945)
Clay Bruce BISHOP (1895-1962)&Emma Rea WAIBEL (1913-1992)
George Edward BLAIN (1863-1942)&Rachel Lucinda HARSIN (1864-1938)
Alford BLANKENSHIP (1886-1973)&Gracie CAMPBELL (1892-1924)
Lewis Roscoe BLOSSOM (1861-1948)&Laura FITCH (1887-1960)
Garrett BOLAND (1841-????)&Philopena (1852-????)
John N BOLING (1846-1930)&Mary E ??? (1852-1882)
Harrison Hiram "Harry" BOLSON (1864-1942)&Olive Lovina PAINTON (1868-1950)
John BOND (1851-1888)&Lucretia WEST (1845-1904)
Robert Sanford BONNER (1858-1928)&Nancy L F C CHANDLER (1860-1938)
BOTTS (????-????)&Mable Eledora FORD (????-????)
Nathan Gaines BOWLES (1825-1886)&Louisa WOOD (1828-1866)
Michael B. "Mikel" BRANCH (1851-1920)&S. Margaret "Sall" STANDRIDGE (1856-1891)
Michael B. "Mikel" BRANCH (1851-1920)&Martha Isabel CAGLE (1871-1929)
Thomas Larkin BREEDLOVE (1868-1933)&Sarah Francis Fannie COWDEN (1871-1937)
William B. BROADWELL (1825-1905)&Elsie JORDAN (1835-1917)
Vernon Lee BROCK (1925-1999)&Living (????-????)
Vernon Lee BROCK (1925-1999)&Ethelann TALIAFERRO (1925-2000)
Samuel B. BROTT (1834-1906)&Mary Jane CUNNINGAM (1845-1933)
Alfred BROWN (1900-1978)&Geneva WOOD (1906-1994)
Ray C. BROWN (????-????)&Jane Henrietta BISPING (????-????)
Warner BROWN (1845-1924)&Lydia Munroe PEARCE (1855-1925)
Frank BROWNFIELD (1899-1981)&Minnie HILL (1910-1974)
L. C. Dale BROWNFIELD (1929-1993)&Living (????-????)
Jack BRUNDIDGE (1884-1968)&Lillie Belle HENDRIX (1891-1975)
Elam Sabinas BRYAN (1870-1950)&Martha Marshall "Mattie" ASBURY (1872-1957)
Earl Keel BUCKLEY (1897-1950)&Ethel Lulla BENSON (1906-1982)
John Thomas BUFFINGTON (1878-1952)&Maggie Alice DALLAS (1892-1967)
William Lee BUNYARD (1881-1964)&Annie Laura BEAUCHAMP (1884-1965)
Joseph Henderson BURLESON (1838-1928)&Mary HARDY (1850-1909)
Alonzo F. "Lon" BURNETT (1883-1963)&Joey Ann UNDERWOOD (1888-1959)
Aaron BURR (1867-1936)&Margaret CRANE / CRAIN (1877-????)
Rev. John H. BURR (1880-1975)&Beulah Sonora SMITH (1892-1985)
Thomas Jefferson BURROUGH (1894-1938)&Louella Wanda CAMPBELL (1904-1984)
Washington Lafayette BURROWS (1853-1941)&Susan Amanda HOWELL (1854-1878)
Washington Lafayette BURROWS (1853-1941)&Martha Arminda CATLETT (1854-1918)

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