Oklahoma FGS Project
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Oklahoma Families with Surnames Beginning with J

These family group sheet files were contributed for use in the FGS Project. They may NOT
be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons.
Edward C. JACKSON (1898-1927)&Winifred Kathleen REEDER (1896-1964)
James C. "Jim" JACKSON (1888-????)&Theodoria "Docie" LEE (1885-1918)
William JACKSON (1846-1890)&Sarah Margaret HOWELL (1843-1917)
Charles Edwin JACOBS (1866-1940)&Rosa Valena REEVES (1871-1955)
Walter Peleg JAMES (1878-1935)&Mettie Ivie TAYLOR (1884-1975)
Clarence Kenneth JARVIS (1899-1958)&Jewell SHAW (1898-1970)
John W. JARVIS (1862-1918)&Viola NEWMAN (1865-1945)
Allen Lionel JOHNSON (1851-1933)&Martha Jane CHAMBERS (1854-1921)
Elmer JOHNSON (1858-1898)&Ida SPEARS (1861-????)
George Washington JOHNSON (1844-1898)&Mary Marilla BREEDLOVE (1857-1932)
George Washington JOHNSON (1844-1898)&Mary HALE (1865-1890)
Homer Coleman JOHNSON (1888-1975)&Claudia RALEY (1891-1947)
Johnnie Spotwood JOHNSON (1890-1939)&Eunice TRIMMER (1902-1948)
Macon Whitney JOHNSON (1839-1925)&Amanda Caroline BAILEY (1844-1913)
Ozel JOHNSON (1925-1983)&Margaret Inez RHOADES (1926-1985)
Wiley Elijah JOHNSON (1862-1934)&Virginia Lee SMITH (1867-1917)
William Nelson "Nell" JOHNSON (1891-1958)&Minnie Lee EARNEST (1895-1973)
Marvin JOHNSTON (????-????)&Clara Henerietta FORD (1902-1984)
Auvel JONES (1895-1940)&Bessie Alma POOL (1904-1995)
Ben JONES (1878-????)&Alice JOHNSON (1888-1952)
James Fitzpatrick JONES (1835-1891)&Emily Jane CRAWFORD (1842-1922)
Stephen JONES (1851-1926)&Almina SCOTT (1860-1948)
Francis Marion JORDAN (1836-1913)&Rachel MICHNER (1840-1918)

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