Missouri FGS Project
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Missouri Families with Surnames Beginning with S

These family group sheet files were contributed for use in the FGS Project. They may NOT
be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons.
Henry Isaac SAGASER (1850-1936)&Annie Margaret MORRIS (1858-1932)
George Washington SALLEE (1836-1862)&Susan Ann GRAHAM (1833-1888)
John Robert SALLEE (1858-1930)&Nancy Rosetta McMILLIN (1867-1934)
Michael SANDBOTHE (1900-1993)&Katherine FOXHOVEN (1898-1979)
Jacob Henry SANDERS (1831-1912)&Nancy Johnson ROBINSON (1839-1932)
James Bartlett SANDERS (????-1860)&Mary Elizabeth ALLEN (1811-1884)
James Isaac SANDERS (1885-1956)&Mary Florence DAWSON (1888-1917)
James Isaac SANDERS (1885-1956)&Florence Geretta JULIAN (1882-1939)
James Isaac SANDERS (1885-1956)&Mary Lavica 'Vica' COOPER (1892-1973)
Lewis Adam SAWYERS (1844-1918)&Mary Ellen JUMP (1850-????)
Monroe SAWYERS (1852-1925)&Margaret Ellen BURNS (1853-1934)
Charles Spiller SCANLAND (1793-1861)&Margaret KERR (1796-????)
Edgar Boone SCANLAND (1862-1934)&Bertie Virginia HOBSON (1866-????)
Harvey Ephraim SCANLAND (1832-????)&Susan Ellen LLEWELLYN (1836-1885)
Harvey Hobson SCANLAND (1895-1981)&Eva I BLATTNER (1896-1965)
John Ahlum SCHAEFFER (1886-1941)&Alice T. McCONOMY (1883-1934)
Christopher SCHLEGEL (1676-1772)&unknown (????-????)
? (????-????)&Anna SCHLUP (1802-1881)
Frank Godfrey SCHLUP (1888-1953)&Maud Mary Susan DEARING (1891-1922)
Jacob SCHLUP (1838-1899)&Anna Marie Louisa OSICK (1850-1918)
David SCHUSSLER (????-1899)&Elizabeth (????-1897)
Charles A. SCHWARTZ (1854-1924)&Mae Marie "Maria" ATTEBERRY (1855-1937)
Daniel Wesley SCONCE (1835-1877)&Julia MARIOTT (1845-1872)
William Wesley SCONCE (1887-1940)&Lula Pearl PRINCE (1891-1989)
Arlington Wyatt SCOTT (????-1946)&Marie Maria TOTHILL (????-1953)
Elisha SCOTT (1840-1901)&Mary Hanna WOOD (1843-1930)
James Ammon "Uncle Jimmy" SCOTT (1844-1929)&Delpha Elizabeth ABBOTT (1844-1911)
James Denton SCOTT (1818-1889)&Mary Elisabeth McINTOSH (1822-1896)
Morgan Hendrick SCOTT (1831-1899)&Louisa GREENLEE (1830-1906)
Robert M. SCOTT (1826-1900)&Elizabeth STEPHENS (1831-1900)
Wyatt Tothill "Scotty" SCOTT (1900-1981)&Gertrude THOMPSON (1901-1990)
James Monroe SEABOURNE (1814-1876)&Mahala Cunningham CAMPBELL (1822-1875)
James SEAL (1791-1848)&Martha DOUGHTY (1805-1869)
Joseph Doughty SEAL (1838-1920)&Nancy Elizabeth McCALL (1848-1927)
Cecil Earl SEAY (????-????)&Della SHERWOOD (1872-1954)
Edward SEE (1874-1946)&Amanda C. BAUGH (1879-1915)
Arthur Rollen SELL (1871-1912)&Alta M. GIEST (1879-1956)
Rolen SELL (1849-1941)&Ezenith Ann MURRAY (1852-1922)
Larkin SELSOR (1790-1862)&Sarah FINNEY (1792-1873)
Daniel SHACKELFORD (1770-1852)&Tabitha NANCE (1783-1859)
John SHAW (1841-????)&Amanda Ellen SPARKS (1845-1865)
John Wesley SHAW (1836-1908)&Mary Elizabeth "Polly" KELLER (1833-1916)
Lewis Monroe SHAW (1867-1957)&Martha Clay 'Mattie' LEONARD (1870-1911)
Charles William SHELTON (1881-1952)&Minerva Jane EBRECHT (1886-1952)
Frank J. SHELTON (1874-1950)&Myrtle E. MAY (1878-1965)
John B SHELTON (1796-1870)&Malinda CRAIG (1798-1850)
John James SHELTON (1855-1951)&Ernestine Caroline SEITZ (1865-1957)
Levi H SHELTON (1841-1906)&Florence HUTTON (1862-????)
Medley SHELTON (1796-1875)&Maxie Belle CHADWELL (1802-1877)
Medley SHELTON (1798-1875)&Maxey B CHADWELL (1802-1877)
Theodore Moses SHELTON (1866-1893)&Anna Belle WHALEY (1869-1941)
William Downing SHELTON (1847-1922)&Mary TRACY (1850-1895)
William M SHELTON (1826-1900)&Mathilda S HULING (1833-????)
William S SHELTON (1853-1910)&Margaret Ann LONG (1855-1931)
William Samuel SHELTON (1853-????)&Margaret Ann LONG (1855-1931)
John SHEPHERD (1809-1879)&Margaret S. 'Peggy' HAYES (1808-1893)
John H. SHERMAN (1831-1875)&Servier REESE (1839-1908)
Thomas SHERMAN (????-????)&Mary HANSHAW (????-????)
William Riley SHERMAN (1868-1956)&Josephine Bonaparte STEWART (1870-1938)
Sidney Orville SHERWIN (1848-1923)&Mary Adelaide SHEDD (1846-1916)
Robert Daniel SHIELDS (1825-1918)&Mary Lizze ZIEGLER (1829-1899)
John Thomas SHIPMAN (????-????)&Ara Alice BROWN (1858-1950)
George Washington SHOBE (1827-1870)&Mary Jane DUNCAN (1830-1865)
Leonard SIBLEY (1758-1832)&Judith BOOTH (1770-????)
Clinton Harrison SILVERS (1859-1940)&Martha Christina HANSON (1856-1948)
James Elmer SILVERS (1887-1969)&Sallie Vernice CHANEY (1894-1983)
David Nathan SIMKINS (1849-1931)&Kezia Lois DEAN (1851-1934)
Henry SIMS (1806-1876)&Susan Jane SIMS (1816-1855)
John Dabney SIMMS (1847-1923)&Mary Jane PENNINGTON (1842-1901)
Benjamin SIMPSON (1821-1863)&Anna BRANSON (1821-1890)
James SIMPSON (1814-1895)&Dorcus DePEW (1818-1881)
James Morgan SIMPSON (1950-1922)&Anne EDWARDS (1859-1958)
Samuel SIMPSON (1814-1894)&Sarah PRYOR (1816-????)
William SIMS (????-????)&Elizabeth (????-????)
Alexander SINCLAIR (1857-????)&Rhoda P. HUFFMAN (1857-1938)
Alva Green SKINNER (1841-1925)&Margaret Emily BAKER (1842-1934)
Quartus Monroe SKINNER (1869-1949)&Frances Queen MORRIS (1879-1919)
Joseph SKIPTON (1839-1883)&Eliza Jane DEVORE (1845-1937)
James Alexander SLAGLE (1826-1874)&Elizabeth Jane UTLEY (1834-1910)
James Preston SLAGLE (1829-1903)&Barbara Lavina BARHAM (1833-1919)
John SLAGLE (1798-1874)&Margaret BROCK (1800-1860)
Abraham Washington SLAGLEY (1785-1901)&Emma WHIT (????-????)
Jacob SLAGLEY (1723-1790)&unknown (????-????)
Jacob Jefferson SLAGLEY (1752-1800)&Hannah CROSS (1757-1976)
Thomas Jefferson SLAGLEY (1845-1907)&Emma McKINNEY (1846-1919)
Charles R. SLOVER (1818-1876)&Susan Elizabeth DENNIS (1853-1925)
Fredrick Girdell SMALL (1878-1955)&Lillie Mae HUTCHISON (1881-1958)
James SMALL (1802-1865)&Mary Ann WALLACE (1802-????)
James Henry Wann SMALL (1847-1899)&Susan Elizabeth PATTERSON (1847-1908)
John SMALL (1823-1892)&Sarah WANN (1827-????)
Arthur SMALLWOOD (1880-1944)&Gyrtie SCOTT (1885-1924)
Albert Alva SMITH (1882-1947)&Rosey Belle LUMLEY (1892-1940)
Alonzo Edward SMITH (1845-1909)&Jane BRUNSON (1846-1917)
Andrew SMITH (1779-1840)&Sarah 'Sally' SCRIVNER (1781-1855)
Andrew Wright SMITH (1839-1919)&Mary Anna "Annie" HARP (1844-1927)
David Harp SMITH (1875-1913)&Gertrude Helena BROWN (1876-1934)
Ephraim SMITH (1810-1893)&Mary BRYAN (1808-1838)
George SMITH (1885-1950)&Martha Ellen BROOKS (1885-1963)
Gervas Storrs SMITH (1805-1885)&Mary Booth SIBLEY (1804-1872)
Herny SMITH (1837-????)&Pricsilla Jane (1846-1932)
Isaac Hiram SMITH (1825-1865)&Mercy Ann EDSON (1827-1914)
James Lockhart SMITH (1859-1910)&Sarah Irena LONIS (1867-1946)
Jeremiah SMITH (1808-1884)&Elizabeth ROSS (1808-1860)
John H. SMITH (1841-1913)&Susan P. HARPER (1843-1914)
John S. SMITH (1841-1863)&Elmada CUMMINS (1843-1894)
John Siegel SMITH (1862-1906)&Mary Ellen FINCHUM (1863-1888)
John Siegal SMITH (1862-1906)&Sarah HAINES (1862-1937)
Minor Poindexter SMITH (1855-1931)&Letticia Jane WINN (1851-1931)
Obediah SMITH (1806-1863)&Elizabeth 'Eliza' DAY (1822-1883)
Dr. Peter Booth SMITH (1844-1915)&Mary Ellen ESLINGER (1847-1931)
Reuben Andrew SMITH (1833-1862)&Elethear Bridgen EDWARDS (1835-1857)
Robert SMITH (1820-1906)&Eda Carolyn RUSSELL (1823-1860)
Temple SMITH (1841-????)&Martha Ann SCOTT (????-1930)
Thomas Winfrey SMITH (1850-1929)&Ankah VEACH (1855-1941)
William G ? SMITH (1831-1880)&Catharine LOGAN (1831-1903)
William Esau SMITH (1821-1899)&Diama HUDSON (1820-1915)
William Henderson SMITH (1826-1900)&Sarah Ann RAY (1828-1885)
William Thomas SMITH (1826-1879)&Mary/Polly LITTLE (1826-1900)
David Newton SNIDER (1866-1933)&Victoria GIL (1870-1951)
James SNIDER (1830-1895)&Terresa NEAL (1844-1888)
John Walker SNIDER (1798-1857)&Anna NEAL (1798-1872)
Charley SNYDER (1875-1937)&Diley Elizabeth NORTH (1875-1952)
Andrew Clarence SOLES (1876-1930)&Minnie G DISNEY (1897-1972)
Justus SONTAG (1855-1928)&Emma Helena BIERBRAUER (1855-1897)
Justus SONTAG (1855-1928)&Margaret Charlotte DICKENS (1880-1953)
Walter Malon SONTAG (1903-1966)&Ruth Mae LANE (1909-1952)
James Peter SORENSON (1855-1919)&Mary Katherine NIELSON (1853-1937)
George Lucretas SPARKS (1857-1944)&Emma G. WEBB (1866-1944)
Alexander SPENCER (1818-1880)&Mary Heston Ann CALVARD (1819-1858)
Alexander M. SPENCER (1817-1880)&Millie WILLIAM (1842-1920)
John SPENDIFF (1836-1901)&Nancy E. VANDIVIER (1852-1926)
John Daniel SPIDELL (1898-1956)&Dona Ellen TACKETT (1914-1942)
Benjamin H. SPRY (1854-1939)&Lydia WISHARD (1862-1943)
William STAPLES (1815-1889)&Melissa MURRAY (1821-1874)
Cuvier Stephen STARK (1891-1960)&Ola Jane CAMPBELL (1896-1962)
John STARKEY (1815-????)&Mary HENDRICKS (1815-1887)
William Christopher STEEN (1832-1881)&Susannah BERTHOLF (1834-1896)
Absolam W. STEPHENS (1815-1889)&Eliza Jane (1822-1900)
Edward Alfred STEPHENS (1811-1880)&Mary Dillard EMBREE (1818-1857)
Francis STEPHENS (1838-????)&Miram EASTHAM (1838-????)
John Augustine STEPHENS (1822-1870)&Susan (1833-1870)
John D. STEPHENS (1786-1845)&Mary (1781-1858)
John Edward STEPHENS (1782-1860)&Ann Smith STEPHENS (1790-1858)
Richard H. STEPHENS (1847-1935)&Hannah Lackey ALEXANDER (1855-1914)
Thomas N. STEPHENS (1808-1886)&Mary A. (1816-1895)
William STEPHENS (1782-1873)&Elizabeth (1765-1854)
William STEPHENS (1800-1880)&Lucy (1805-1860)
William R. STEPHENS (1802-1870)&Agnes (1804-1880)
Carl Gordon STEPHENSON (1885-1948)&Bertha Estelle MARTIN (1888-1963)
Charles Alfred Risburg STEPHENSON (1854-1946)&Emma P. CLARK (1857-1893)
Clarence Milton STEPLETON (1883-1961)&Clara Jane SWISHER (1885-1933)
Joseph STEWART (1818-1885)&Margaret Jane (1824-1900)
Thomas J. STEWART (1880-1947)&Ethal J. BRADLEY (1893-????)
William STIMSON (1817-1874)&Jane GREGORY (1817-????)
William STIMSON (1844-1903)&Mary Elizabeth CHANDLER (1856-1936)
Thomas STINNETT (1873-1942)&Lettie COKER (1869-1937)
Willie STINSON (1884-1960)&Minnie Lee DYCUS (1895-1962)
George Washington STIVERS (1830-1905)&Sydney Jane MORGAN (1837-????)
John STIVERS (1859-1924)&Sarah COLLINS (????-????)
William Leonard STIVERS (1864-1933)&Ella BEARD (1867-1945)
Edwin Augustus STOLP (1830-1894)&Ann Elizabeth VanHORNE (1834-????)
Edwin Augustus STOLP (1830-1894)&Mildred Jane "Min" HARRISON (1840-1922)
Dudley L. STONE (1795-1866)&Priscilla (1813-1878)
Solomon STOTT (1745-1790)&Ursula VAUGHAN (1750-1813)
Green C. STOTTS (1821-1876)&Mary Jane BARNES (1836-1908)
Horace Green STOTTS (1874-1947)&Hannah Margaret ENRIGHT (1881-1944)
William Casey STOTTS (1785-1866)&Mary 'Polly' BURNS (1789-1861)
John STRAYER (1818-1878)&Elizabeth HECKART (1820-1888)
Albert J. STREET (1862-1941)&Rhoda HUFFMAN (1857-1938)
James [Andrew] STROUP (1830-1880)&Martha Jane JACKSON (1828-????)
Samuel T SULLINS (1850-1909)&Mary Eugenia NELSON (1854-????)
Lenious Wesley SULLIVAN (1877-1955)&Della HALL (1890-1966)
Moses M. SUMMERS (1827-1904)&Mary Candacy WELCH (1831-1926)
Charles Logan SUMNER (1888-1951)&Ola Ethel LEONARD (1981-1972)
John Columbus SURRITTE (1849-1914)&Catherine Melvina BROOKS (1855-1933)
Richard SUTTON (????-????)&Sallie SOUTHARD (1840-????)
John SWAGER (1846-1927)&Jennie H. DILLIE (1847-1928)
James Buchannan SWAGGERTY (1859-1926)&Margaret Ann CRAWLEY (1866-1916)
Cornelius Washington SWEANEY (1830-1899)&Mary Anne CULP (1850-1881)
Benjamin SWEET (1808-1893)&Anne BARBER (1815-1860)
Edgar C SWEET (????-1948)&Carrie Agnes STEPLETON (1884-1972)
John H R S SWICEGOOD (1858-1936)&Martha Elizabeth "Mattie" COFFEY (1867-1947)
Jacob SWIGERT (1820-1878)&Barbara KEITER (1824-1877)
Joshua Sheldon SWIHART (1883-1963)&Bertha Ann ASH (1897-1987)
Martin V. B. SWIHART (1841-1913)&Sarah Jane DAVIS (1848-1945)
Joseph SWINDELL (1772-1843)&Mary BROWN (1780-????)
William SWINDELL (1810-1889)&Mary FORD (1810-1876)
Daniel Webster SWITZER (1849-1922)&Martha A. BUSTER (1845-1894)
William P. SYLER (1849-1918)&Emma Agnes BACHTEL (1865-1957)

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