Missouri FGS Project
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Missouri Families with Surnames Beginning with V

These family group sheet files were contributed for use in the FGS Project. They may NOT
be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons.
William VAIL (1829-1906)&Mary Ellen MANLOVE (1834-1900)
Richard P VANARSDALL (1854-1880)&Elizabeth HILL (1857-1920)
William M. VANCE (1826-1905)&Nancy Emeline WORTHAM (1825-1872)
William M. VANCE (1826-1905)&Mary Elizabeth PHEIFER (1848-1931)
John Roreham VANDERPOOL (1857-1942)&Amanda M. CAMPBELL (1860-1947)
William Henry VanHOUTAN (1837-1909)&Rebecca Permin McGREW (1833-1909)
Thomas David VANSANT (1873-1958)&Elnora Jane KEYES (1878-1936)
Samuel VANTINE (1812-1890)&Charity (1833-????)
Samuel Derastus VANTINE (1853-1932)&Elizabeth BUTLER (1859-1942)
George Diro VARNER (1876-1947)&Lulu Ann FORKNER (1877-1947)
James Lewis VINCENT (1838-1918)&Eliza Ann MUSGRAVE (1834-1899)
John Carl VINCENT (1861-1935)&Martha Jane LANE (1866-1948)
Henry VOGELPOHL (1833-1882)&Henrietta Friederike ENGELAGE (1837-1923)
Christian VORBECK (1828-1890)&Elisabeth 'Yetta' (1832-1892)
William VORBECK (1891-1957)&Dora P. ISRAEL (1895-1979)
William F.F. VORBECK (1858-1925)&Lillie J. SLOVER (1870-1903)
George Robert VOSS (1887-1967)&Rosa Gertrude DARROW (1893-1954)
Johann Heinrich Adolph VOSS (1841-1914)&Katherine KAHL (1842-1925)
Thomas VOYLES (1745-1816)&Sarah SHINN (1754-1813)
William VOYLES (1797-1870)&Martha BANTA (1800-1874)

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Family Group Sheets are copyrighted by their submitters.
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