Missouri FGS Project
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Missouri Families with Surnames Beginning with E

These family group sheet files were contributed for use in the FGS Project. They may NOT
be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons.
John Thomas EAGON (1857-1913)&Mary Ann HADLOCK (1858-1952)
Lewis Phillip EAGON (1848-1921)&Atha Ann GATLIN (1850-1924)
Christian EAKER (1768-1839)&Jane WILSON (1773-1844)
Charles EALES (1797-1865)&Lucy PURVIS (1818-1883)
Isaac EARLY (1846-1929)&Sarah J. HARSHBARGER (1850-1924)
Walter Willard EASTBURN (1884-1973)&Lessie May BURNS (????-1973)
James Samuel EBRECHT (1884-1943)&Daisy Dean SHELTON (1885-1967)
Reuben Thomas EDWARDS (1840-1920)&Leah Ellen SMITH (1845-1927)
William EDWARDS (1848-1924)&Jane Isabell WHITE (1841-1902)
William EDWARDS (1848-1924)&Cordelia Belle OSBORN (1880-1968)
Herman EHERNBERG (1911-1964)&Ocalla Victoria SMITH (1911-1998)
Herman Henry EHRENBERG (1886-1942)&Lilly BUSTER (1890-1945)
William EHRENBRG (1857-1897)&Bertha JANKE (1855-1905)
George EHRHARDT (1821-1876)&Nancy Catherine MOXLEY (1831-1877)
George ELFRINK (1880-1952)&Antonetta Cecilia THELE (1885-1948)
Edward John ELLAM (1869-1947)&Sabra K. PYLE (1890-1970)
Edward John ELLAM (1869-1947)&Jennie 'Effie' WHOOLY (????-????)
Daniel ELLIOTT (1819-1872)&Mary E. 'Polly' MORGAN (1822-1900)
George W. ELLIOTT (1846-1876)&Martha E. INKS (1847-1875)
George W. ELLIOTT (1846-1876)&Martha CRAIG (????-????)
Henry M. ELLIOTT (1833-????)&Matilda Frances CASE (1840-????)
James ELLIOTT (????-????)&Sarah HYDER (1837-1916)
Nathan ELLIOTT (1844-1924)&Sarah Ellen 'Ellen' JONES (1851-1934)
Alexander D. ELLISON (????-1870)&Mary Ann COWDEN (1827-1898)
Simon C. ELLISON (1839-1888)&Mary Sigel McCARTY (1862-1954)
Jesse ELSBERRY (1802-1892)&Mary THOMAS (1826-1900)
Joseph Ninty ELSBERRY (1854-1919)&Mary Virginia BURTON (1850-1937)
James EMERY (1790-1870)&Nancy J. BISE? (1790-1868)
William W. EMERY (1837-1926)&Mary Jane TAYLOR (1846-1928)
David ENRIGHT (1832-1887)&Catherine D. DONOVAN (1838-1927)
Harry Leonard EPPERSON (1893-1976)&Elta Leon WOODS (1893-1992)
James Money EPPERSON (1849-1926)&Mary Ellen HILL (1859-1923)
James Money EPPERSON (1849-1926)&Mary Ella HILL (1859-1923)
John A. ERWIN (????-1890)&Nancy Aikens HAMMONTREE (1818-1893)
John Thomas ERWIN (1857-1938)&Nancy Jane GRAVES (1866-1920)
Joseph J. ETHREDGE (1814-1865)&Cyntha VICKERS (1818-1896)
Benjamin Franklin EVANS (1846-1935)&Margaret E GUINN (1849-1914)
Claiborne Walter EVANS (1807-1862)&Nancy THOMAS (1813-1890)
John EVANS (1820-1880)&Catherine SWALLEY (1832-1925)
Robert EVANS (1822-1852)&Sarah Margaret ADER (????-1896)
Thomas EVANS (1815-1870)&Sarah C GREEN (1821-????)
William EVANS (1858-1920)&Frances Caldonia HOLMES (1872-1909)
John M EVERSON (1850-1924)&Mary HILBURN (1854-1945)

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Family Group Sheets are copyrighted by their submitters.
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