Missouri FGS Project
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Missouri Families with Surnames Beginning with N

These family group sheet files were contributed for use in the FGS Project. They may NOT
be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons.
Claiborne "Clabe" MASH / NASH (1835-1900)&Amanda "Mandy" MASH / NASH (1846-1928)
John W. "Jackson" MASH / NASH (1815-1870)&Hannah HARDIN (1820-1880)
James Steven NATIONS (1841-1907)&Mary Emma CRIS (1851-1885)
George Truman NAYLOR (1786-1873)&Rosanna NEWCOMB (????-1838)
George Truman NAYLOR (1786-1873)&Margaret "Peggy" ? PALMETORY (1814-1898)
James Milton NEAL (1825-1862)&Sylvannia 'Vany' TURNER (1827-1903)
James R. NEAL (1857-1900)&Mary E. JACKSON (1863-1946)
John Wesley NEAL (1847-1941)&Rosaner JONES (1849-1939)
Lewis Harrison NEAL (1877-1952)&Ada Mae LONG (1876-1962)
Thomas Fletcher NEAL (1840-????)&Mary Frances HAMMOND (1843-????)
William Henderson NEAL (1856-1915)&Louisa Roseltha WALTON (1857-1949)
Joseph Wesley NEEL (1776-1843)&Martha McCREARY (1771-1853)
Porter NEEL (1823-1906)&Sarah McCANN (1827-1890)
Dock Talmadge NEELY (1889-1958)&Alva Lorene MESSICK (1895-1990)
Landon Clayton NEIL (1810-1880)&Louisa (1824-1870)
Landon Clayton NEIL (1866-1926)&Dora May DENTON (1873-1941)
John Barbee NELSON (1772-1847)&Cynthia Ann WITHERS (1779-1846)
William Ernest NEPHEW (0856-1923)&Mary Lucille DEGONIA (1859-1910)
Jacob NEWHOUSE (1847-1928)&Dena DAVID (1854-1940)
William Butler NEWMAN (1812-1900)&Nancy Jane WILLIS (1816-1898)
Griffith NICHOLS (1843-1899)&Malinda Alice SAVAGE (1848-1931)
Abraham NIGHTWINE (1820-1863)&Sarah GARDNER (1817-1860)
Henry NIXON (????-????)&Jane (????-????)
Richard NIXON (1795-1879)&Ellen SMITH (1799-????)
Ambrose Dudley NOLAND (1854-1929)&Annie Elizabeth HULSE (1852-1934)
Benjamin Harrison NOLAND (1891-1976)&Genetta Florence FORD (1892-1982)
Charles J. NORDMEYER (1813-????)&Elizabeth FRICKERS (????-1848)
Charles J. NORDMEYER (1813-????)&Magdalona E. FRICKERS (1814-1881)
John NORMAN (1888-1978)&Lillie DYCUS (1889-1975)
Dennis NORTH (1807-????)&Rebecca FISHER (1827-????)
Rufus NORTH (1827-1893)&Avarilla JONES (1834-1904)
John Nathaniel NORVELL (1810-1886)&Sophronia Ann HARRIS (1825-1892)
Nathaniel Lyon NOWELL (1867-1937)&Mary F. [or Ann] MEASON (1876-1965)

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Family Group Sheets are copyrighted by their submitters.
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