Missouri FGS Project
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Missouri Families with Surnames Beginning with J

These family group sheet files were contributed for use in the FGS Project. They may NOT
be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons.
Andrew JACKSON (1855-????)&Clara HAYES (????-????)
Benjamin JACKSON (1790-1847)&SEABOURNE or EVANS (????-1847)
George Washington JACKSON (1839-1921)&Livonia Deborah WHITE (1850-1925)
James A. JACKSON (1843-????)&Manervia (1850-????)
James Monroe JACKSON (1832-1876)&Jane L. MATHEWS (1834-1905)
Ruel JACKSON (????-1863)&Susannah WHITLOCK (????-1863)
Thomas Andrew JACKSON (1846-1921)&Anna WEBB (1859-1933)
William Andrew JACKSON (1830-1913)&Pa(u)lina Elizabeth HARRISON (1832-1859)
William Andrew JACKSON (1830-1913)&Narcissus Ann WILEY (1837-1888)
William H. JACKSON (1839-????)&Sarah J. (1848-????)
William Oscar JACKSON (1856-1936)&Laura Ann COOK (1864-1948)
Aaron JAMES (1796-1870)&Mahala STARNES (1809-1880)
John J. JAMES (1793-1870)&Mary 'Polly' CARROL (1803-????)
John Marion JAMES (1840-1922)&Alwilda EDMONSON (1844-1900)
Samuel Grant JAMES (1867-1942)&Victoria Grant SMITH (1869-1930)
William JAMISON (1784-1833)&Ann Dromica SCOTT (1786-1867)
William JAMISON (1822-1894)&Margaret Matilda WEBB (1829-1872)
Thomas JAY (1863-1917)&Lillian Gertrude MOONEY (1869-1890)
Thomas JAY (1861-1917)&Sarah Eliza MARTIN (1874-1930)
Thomas Oscar JAY (1890-1979)&Minnie Isabella MARTIN (1891-1965)
Bartholomew Reson JOBE (1828-1914)&Rebecca Ann LAWSON (1834-1861)
James JOBE (1830-1864)&Sarah GREGORY (1830-1880)
Cephas Day JOHN (1841-1913)&Elizabeth McGREGOR (1850-1937)
Eric Andrew JOHNSON (1849-1934)&Louvise (????-????)
Eric Andrew JOHNSON (1849-1934)&Minnie Arvella HOWARD (1878-1966)
Hartwell JOHNSON (1782-1873)&Lydia Melissa DUNAWAY (1791-1868)
Henry Scott JOHNSON (1878-1960)&Mary Elizabeth SLAGLEY (1888-1944)
James JOHNSON (1855-1808)&Sarah PARRISH ? (????-1778)
James JOHNSON (1855-1808)&Elizabeth CLARKSON (1762-1832)
William H JOHNSON (1841-1910)&Clara 'Clarisa' THOMAS (1848-1873)
Thomas Allen JOHNSTON (1805-1891)&Nancy LOWERY (1810-1846)
Thomas Allen JOHNSTON (1805-1891)&Nancy Callett BURGER (1820-1846)
Charles T. JONES (1842-1903)&Mary Moten O'NEAL (1843-1928)
Jasper JONES (1813-1881)&Mahala Jane KIRBY (1839-1908)
John Thomas "J.T." JONES (1859-1937)&Nancy Maria BUCKINGHAM (1858-1926)
John Wesley JONES (1868-1903)&Gabriella Amizette MICHAEL (1875-1960)
Moses Joshua JONES (1873-1944)&Sarah Clementine BOLDING (1880-1974)
Nathan JONES (1887-1961)&Iva F. HOGG (1888-1910)
Samuel J. 'Theop' JONES (1833-1910)&Melvina REED (1850-1886)
Samuel JONES (????-1916)&REED (????-????)
Soloman JONES (1769-1868)&Catherine CUNNINGHAM (1784-1868)
William Cecil JONES (1910-1995)&Juliette Marjorie TAFT (1910-1972)

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