Missouri FGS Project
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Missouri Families with Surnames Beginning with P

These family group sheet files were contributed for use in the FGS Project. They may NOT
be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons.
George Hilton PAGE (1863-1955)&Careen H. OWEN (1866-1940)
James L. PAGE (????-1882)&Malinda LONG (1799-1887)
John W. PAGE (????-1866)&Susan NAYLOR (1841-1921)
Edward Eugene PARKER (1916-1990)&Harriett Mae ALEXANDER (1918-1969)
Jonathan Perry PARKER (1885-1957)&Rosa Belle WARNER (1891-1974)
Jonathan Turney PARKER (1849-????)&Matilda Caroline "Martha" PENNINGTON (1859-????)
Daniel Jackson PARKS (1815-????)&Nancy LEWIS (????-1845)
Daniel Jackson PARKS (1815-????)&Sarah LEWIS (1818-1883)
James Knox Polk PARKS (1849-1928)&Laura Jane GREGORY (1857-1931)
Jasper William PARKS (1838-1911)&Louisa ANTHONY (1840-1879)
William Henry PARKS (1869-1944)&Janie CARPENTER (1877-1962)
Henry PARROTT (1828-1858)&Hannah PATE (1821-1912)
William Landrum PASSMORE (1867-1942)&Zilla Catherine SHIPMAN (1882-1939)
Alexander E. PATTERSON (1835-1904)&Nancy E. WILLIS (1847-1903)
Archibald Clinton [A.C.] PATTERSON (1843-1914)&Sarah Prudella FANNING (1870-1917)
Benjamin PATTERSON (1805-1870)&Madaline (1808-1870)
Lloyd Tychicus PATTERSON (1838-1922)&Mary SMITH (1842-1906)
William Hamilton PATTERSON (1810-1867)&Mary Jane COTNER (1812-1863)
John PECK (1821-1912)&Mary Jane LEWIS (1832-1915)
William Haden PEMBERTON (1857-1901)&Sophia Malinda MITCHELL (1860-1943)
John Nixon PENDERGRASS (1838-1918)&Sarah Agnes CARR (1841-1873)
Peter Lee PENN (1849-1914)&Precious Ann HARRISON (1856-1933)
Harvey Monroe PERKEY (1870-1910)&Martha L. ROSS (1854-1923)
Elisha PERKINS (1799-1853)&Susanna BARBER (????-????)
Samuel Henry PERKINS (1819-1905)&Martha HAMBY (1826-1891)
Thomas Jefferson "Jeff" PERRYMAN (1831-1868)&Nancy JOHNSON (1833-1888)
William Henry PERSHALL (1830-1914)&Isabella HARSIN (1847-1934)
John Ezra PETERSON (1863-1947)&Viola May STANLEY (1874-1959)
Samuel L. PETERSON (1831-1917)&Sarah Jane WEDDLE (1840-1911)
Francis "Frank" PETRO (1842-1909)&Adaline RUSH (1846-1875)
Francis "Frank" PETRO (1842-1909)&Dorcas WILLIAMSON (1845-1918)
Wendel Durwood PETTIBON (1922-1997)&Ethel Mae WOLF (1926-2002)
Madison PETTY (????-????)&Eliza Ellen CRIS (1850-1885)
Pearl Wallace PETTY (1894-1962)&Laura Francis SMITH (1911-1989)
David PHIBBS (1801-1862)&Nancy FEELY (1814-????)
Florus Emory PHILLIPS (1904-1993)&Zula Mae ERWIN (1908-1985)
John Andrew PHILLIPS (1854-1936)&Sarah Jane HALL (1862-1937)
John James PHILLIPS (1800-1865)&Susannah WEBB (1819-1899)
Robert Sayer PHILLIPS (1864-1939)&Sophia Charlotta VORBECK (1864-1931)
William A PHILLIPS (1866-1944)&Pearl M GRAY (1892-1975)
William Monroe PHILLIPS (1877-1962)&Rosa Estella PRESLEY (1879-1952)
Horace Virgil PHIPPS (1842-1914)&Nancy Ann McDOWELL (1848-1911)
Dr. John Burnet PHIPPS (1829-1895)&Martha Jane CHANDLER (1832-1918)
Samuel Pleasant PIATT (1858-1920)&Frances Elizabeth STEWART (1859-1942)
Jabez 'Jabe' PIERCE (1857-1934)&Mary Ann HEATHERLY (????-1920)
Thomas James PILANT (1840-1920)&Lucy Martin TURPIN (1843-1925)
Byrd Thomas PIPER (1881-1959)&Ida WHITESIDES (1891-1969)
Simeon Colton PIPKIN (1853-1934)&Flofance Addie PENSINGER (1867-1947)
Francis Marion PLANK (1847-1917)&Martha Jane KELLEY (1860-1897)
George T. PLATZ (1853-1931)&Margaret ROBERTSON (1857-1935)
Henry POOL (1763-1833)&Margaret TARBUTTON (????-1847)
Peter POORE (1837-1912)&Jane 'Jennie' STOOKSBURY (1835-1918)
Joseph PORTER (1793-1869)&Mary Monroe GRAGG (1806-1870)
Wesley McKindry 'Mack' PORTER (1817-1912)&Helen Marietta LAUGHLIN (1822-1891)
George Nelson POWELL (1856-1943)&Carrie Maria ROUSH (1858-1946)
McKendra POWELL (1859-1934)&Clara May WILCOX (1870-1956)
William Cashaway POWELL (1800-1852)&Barbara LINDSEY (1806-????)
Warner PRATT (1816-1870)&Elizabeth Jane SHELTON (1829-1885)
Warner E PRATT (1856-1922)&Mary B CAMPBELL (1861-1907)
Albert Bernard Ludwig PREABT (1853-1932)&Anna Wilhelmine LU[C]KEN (1856-1910)
Thomas Hansford PRICE (1837-1909)&Frances Jane WARREN (1839-1864)
George Washington PRIER (1817-1880)&Mary Jane FREESE (1842-1921)
Montgomery PROCTOR (1814-1870)&Lucy J. WOOD (1824-1904)
Jacob Lonas PRUITT (1814-1883)&Nancy MORRISETT (1823-1901)
Allen PRYOR (1823-1888)&Amelia Frances NEWMAN (1821-1899)
John PUGH (1798-1847)&Cynthia BOURN (1804-1875)
James PUNNEO (1822-1890)&Marenda AZBELL (1829-1898)
John Preston PURKHISER (1850-????)&Julia Catherine CHEEK (1850-1886)
Virgil PURKHISER (1829-1866)&Jane Minerva PAYNE (1831-????)

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