Missouri FGS Project
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Missouri Families with Surnames Beginning with G

These family group sheet files were contributed for use in the FGS Project. They may NOT
be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons.
William Benjamin GAINER (1870-1940)&Pearle May OWENS (1881-1961)
Lyle Eldon GALLATIN (1925-1973)&Mary Taylor ALLOWAY (1928-1989)
George Jackson GARLOCK (1869-1943)&Ada Belle MASON (1873-1899)
George GARRISON (1830-????)&Elizabeth COOLEY (????-1870)
William Joshua GARVIN (1942-1934)&Eliza CRAIG (1851-1908)
William M. GASH (1799-1847)&Stacy Elizabeth LONGMIRE (1797-1858)
George W. GATLIN (1819-1887)&Permelia M HAMPTON (1821-1893)
Jacob GATTS (1802-1849)&Nancy FIGHT (1810-????)
Gottfried GEORGIE (1850-1905)&Johanna ROGSTEDT (1854-1923)
John Wiley GIBBONS (1835-????)&Eliza Jane DRISKELL (1840-1909)
George Washington GIFFEN (1855-????)&Emeline STARK (1845-1882)
James Albert GIFFEN (1887-????)&Myrtle WILLIAMS (1895-1965)
Tilghman H. GILLEN (????-????)&Mary HARDIN (1845-1907)
James GILLIGAN (????-????)&Mary DONOGHUE (1841-1922)
Ulysses Grant GILLISPIE (1868-1936)&Eva BENSON (1870-1949)
Francis U. Colfax GILMORE (1868-1949)&Mary Louisa THOMAS (1875-1941)
Andrew Brooks GLADDEN (1851-????)&Sarah Adaline NEAL (1854-1924)
David GLADDEN (1818-1859)&Nancy Adeline BOYDSTON (1819-1879)
Joseph Perry GLAZEBROOK (1847-1923)&Marie Ellen PATRICK (1850-1930)
Jonathan B. GOFF (1818-1882)&Mary SALSBURY (1822-1893)
Edward Louis GOLDSTEIN (1861-1936)&Riva Charna HAIMOVITZ (1865-1939)
James H GOOCH (1831-1916)&Orlena Elizabet PRUITT (1850-1938)
Donald B. GORDON (1922-1996)&Nadine I. CANTRELL (1927-2003)
Jasper GORDON (1844-????)&Vina (????-????)
Henry GRAFF (1835-1924)&Percey E ROBERTS (1846-1916)
Daniel Marion GRAGG (1863-1930)&Gertrude Getty LONG (1864-1930)
Rev. Ira T. GRAGG (1899-1982)&Thelma Guzena MITCHELL (1903-1985)
Ellis GRAHAM (1809-????)&Nancy E. ENGLAND (1834-????)
Lewis GRAHAM (1819-1882)&Mary PINSON (1820-1856)
Samuel Mortimore GRAHAM (1864-1949)&Lucy Emily ESKRIDGE (1868-1940)
James GRANT (1864-????)&Anna Catherine VORBECK (1867-????)
Samuel B. GRANT (1816-1879)&Maria PLUMMER (1818-1906)
Franklin Joel GRAY (1855-1928)&Emma SNETHER (????-????)
Marvel GREEN (1833-????)&Louisa M STREET (1839-1917)
Robert GREEN (1843-1897)&Matilda Emaline MANES (1852-1930)
Samuel Hayden GREEN (1797-1869)&Elizabeth CAIN (1798-????)
William Orrigan GREEN (1891-1966)&Florence SULLIVAN (1895-????)
Green Berry GREER (1852-1923)&Julia Ann WHEATLEY (1857-1946)
Greenberry Milton GREER (1801-1875)&Nancy Ann MOORE (1811-1867)
James Henry GREER (1850-1941)&Mary Elizabeth SMITH (1853-1933)
Hugh GREGORY (1833-1919)&Angeline HILLS REEVES (1840-1917)
Dr. George W. GRIFFIN (1844-1924)&Susan Barbary McINTOSH (1845-1927)
Samuel Houston GRIFFIN (1849-1909)&Florence Vandalia LEMMON (1853-1934)
Thomas Robert GRIFFIN (1861-1939)&Sarah Josephine KRIDER (1861-1912)
John Lee GRIGGS (????-????)&Sarah A. HARRISON (????-????)
Auguste GROSDIDIER (1834-1914)&Alitha CORNETT (1836-????)
Phillip Peter GRUNER (1881-1953)&Katherine Margaret ZIMMER (1880-1959)
Elijah Nimrod GUILL (1807-1864)&Elizabeth Hudson BALDWIN (1809-1878)
John A. GUTHRIE (1820-1858)&Mary Caroline "Polly" PATTON (1827-1855)
Charles Carter GUTSHALL (1846-1925)&Henrietta Clay ADAMS (1845-1911)
Charles E. GUTSHALL (1873-1962)&Fannie FICKLIN (1874-1939)
Johan Heinrich GOTTSCHALL (1782-1830)&Catherine WINNINGS (1788-1870)
Jacob GUTSHALL (1835-1881)&Catherine "Kitty Ann" CUTSHALL (1834-1900)

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