North Carolina FGS Project
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North Carolina Families with Surnames Beginning with J

These family group sheet files were contributed for use in the FGS Project. They may NOT
be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons.
John JAMES (1823-1897)&Jane BROWN (1824-1888)
Parham JEANS (1820-1883)&Emily CARTER (1824-1910)
Thomas Archibald JEROME (1830-1903)&Elizabeth Catherine CONDER (1837-1873)
Thomas Archibald JEROME (1830-1903)&Martha Elizabeth MORRISON (1846-1904)
Thomas Jefferson JEROME (1800-1872)&Catherine McLARTY (1800-1871)
unknown (????-????)&Sarah Ann JOHNSON (1853-1933)
Jesse Joshua Coleman JOHNSON (1864-1943)&Vestina Octavia Burris Winslow BRANCH (1870-1935)
Joel Jefferson JOHNSON (1808-1884)&Susan Swann TATUM (1819-1915)
Samuel C. JOHNSON (1851-????)&Sarah (1856-????)
Wilburn JOHNSON (1845-1930)&Mary (1852-????)
William Lafayette JOHNSON (1814-1895)&Elizabeth JOHNSTON (1819-1895)
William Perry JOHNSON (1849-????)&Susan Jane BLANTON (1846-????)
John JOHNSTON (????-1796)&Hannah (????-????)
Robert JOHNSTON (1783-????)&Frances (????-????)
Samuel JOHNSTON (????-1816)&? (????-????)
Edwin JONES (1830-1909)&Mary Eliza OWENS (1846-1909)
Francis JONES (1725-1810)&Sarah Jane (1733-1801)
Samuel JONES (1755-1836)&Nart MOTE (1760-1846)
William "Buck" JONES (1795-1861)&Anne "Nancy" RAGLAND (1802-1883)
James B. JORDAN (1837-1899)&Martha Elizabeth FEARN (1846-1936)
Robert Alexander JOYCE (1833-1862)&Martha Jane ROBERTS (1836-1906)
Robert Francis JOYCE (1859-1920)&Mary Alice GARRETT (1858-1955)
Robert Frank JOYCE (1893-1958)&Arminda "Minnie" Fisher BALL (1891-1983)
Amos JOYNER (1784-1840)&Lottie JONES (1800-????)

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