North Carolina FGS Project
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North Carolina Families with Surnames Beginning with L

These family group sheet files were contributed for use in the FGS Project. They may NOT
be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons.
Alexander LACKEY (1766-1820)&Esther EAKINS (1770-1820)
John LANDERS (1757-1840)&Lucy JOHNSTON (1755-1832)
John LANDERS (1810-1856)&Mary Frances PARKS (1816-1880)
John LANDRETH (1824-????)&Susan (1825-????)
John LANE (1769-1828)&Elizabeth STREET (1772-1820)
Adams LANIER (1743-????)&Sarah BENNETT (1740-????)
Jesse LAWSON (1812-1864)&Amelia (????-1900)
LEAR (????-????)&Mary HAYNIE (1825-????)
Alexander LEAR (1817-????)&PREVITT (????-1850)
Alexander LEAR (1817-1864)&Mary HAYNIE (1825-1888)
Benjamin F. LEAR (1836-????)&Elizabeth Jane TYCE (1849-????)
Andrew Jackson LEDBETTER (1823-1898)&Elizabeth F. "Betsy" HURLEY (1828-1905)
James Warren LEDBETTER (1843-1922)&Lucinda Jane BARLOW (1845-1882)
John LEDBETTER (1782-1818)&Elizabeth WHITESIDE (1788-1873)
Erasmus B. LEE (1820-????)&Narcissa BARFIELD (1823-????)
James Q. LEE (1825-????)&Mary HARRELL (1833-????)
Robert LEE (1790-????)&Margaret (1790-????)
Charles E. LIVINGSTON (1826-1870)&Eliza S. (1833-1870)
Charles Joseph LONG (1866-1927)&Mattie [Martha] Caldwell ALLEN (1834-1900)

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