North Carolina FGS Project
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North Carolina Families with Surnames Beginning with D

These family group sheet files were contributed for use in the FGS Project. They may NOT
be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons.
Duncan A. DALLAS (1826-????)&Margaret McMILLAN (1835-????)
Hugh DALLAS (1790-1880)&? (????-????)
Arthur DAVIS (1790-1860)&Martha "Patsy" NICHOLS (1790-1846)
James DAVIS (1753-1844)&Margaret DUNLAP (1761-1838)
James DAVIS (1793-1873)&Elizabeth McANALLY (1796-1858)
James DAVIS (1819-1888)&Mary Ann TAYLOR (1833-1917)
Sandy C. DAVIS (1814-1893)&unknown (????-????)
William Dempsey DAVIS (1820-????)&Ruth PRESNAL (1832-????)
Solomon DAWSEY (????-1808)&? (????-????)
William T. T. DEATON (1843-1936)&Mably E. (????-????)
James DENNING (1823-1894)&Kitsey Ann LEE (????-????)
Issac DENNIS (1750-1829)&Sarah MOORE (1760-1835)
John DENNIS (1725-1797)&Mary SLATER (1725-1810)
Samuel DENNIS (1679-1754)&Ruth TINDALL (1679-????)
Frederick Welcome DILL (1861-1937)&Mary Matilda LOVIN (1864-1939)
John DINNING (1756-1837)&Elizabeth BOYLES (1762-1813)
William DINNING (1792-1860)&Nancy MOODY (1800-1840)
John DRISKILL (1750-1811)&Mary "Polly" KILPATRICK (????-1813)
John F. DRISKILL (1752-1811)&Mary KILPATRICK (????-1813)
Jesse Woodrow DUNCAN (1851-1914)&Missouri ANGELL (1848-1915)
Benjamin F. DUNKIN (1798-1879)&Mary Magdelene GRISAMORE (1806-1860)
DUNN (????-????)&Violette (1835-1880)
Davis DUNN (1855-1915)&Galsey Louisa HARREL (1855-1902)
Gilbert DYE (1803-1853)&Priscilla HARRILL (1806-1878)
Henry DYE (1765-1808)&Anna WASHBURN (1771-1853)
John DYE (1787-1870)&unknown (????-1830)
John DYE (1787-1870)&Ailey [Allie] HILL (1806-1880)
Thomas DYE (1799-1884)&Sarah Lucy PULLIAM (1800-1880)
William D. DYE (1799-1850)&Sarah (1803-1850)
unknown (????-????)&Mary Jane DYER (1863-1930)
Allen Lancaster DYER (1870-1954)&Annie Lee GIBBS (1897-1948)
Jonathan DYER (1859-1941)&Ellen GRIFFIN (1875-1969)
Nathan DYER (????-????)&Martha BYERS (????-????)
Samuel DYER (1825-1893)&Mary Ann SPLAWN (1825-1920)

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