North Carolina FGS Project
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North Carolina Families with Surnames Beginning with F

These family group sheet files were contributed for use in the FGS Project. They may NOT
be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons.
Thomas E FAIRCLOTH (1898-1966)&Hilda DUCKHARDT (1906-1992)
Jabob FEGERT (????-????)&Margaret BOST (????-????)
? (????-????)&Jane FERGUSON (1846-1910)
Moses FERGUSON (1810-1880)&Malinda GOFF (????-1870)
John FERRILL (1695-????)&Ann BRYANT (1697-????)
Richard FERRILL (1665-????)&unknown (????-????)
John FLEMING (1800-1845)&Ruth WHITLOCK (1800-1845)
James H FLYNT (1823-1893)&Sarah CHURCH (1825-1895)
Thomas Edward FORBES (????-1956)&Filena GALLOP (1902-1991)
Jesse Tatum FORREST (1828-1885)&Missouri (1830-1885)
George H FORRESTER (1888-1966)&Ida L. THOMPSON (1893-1932)
Kimmie FOSTER (1743-1817)&Prudence SANDERSON (1745-1816)
Donel Bain FOWLER (1894-1977)&Mattie Camilla SMITH (1894-1975)
Samuel FULTIN (1792-1872)&Nancy REDMAN (????-1841)
Captain Adam FURR (1821-1905)&Sarah Antos WHITLEY (1822-1875)
John FURR (1807-1888)&Beneeta BURRIS (1808-1892)
Dr. Solomon FURR (1822-1895)&Sophia MILLER (????-1844)

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Family Group Sheets are copyrighted by their submitters.
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