North Carolina FGS Project
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North Carolina Families with Surnames Beginning with P

These family group sheet files were contributed for use in the FGS Project. They may NOT
be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons.
Jacob PARKER (????-1830)&Lucretia BRADLEY (1784-1650)
Lewis PARKER (1801-1885)&Lou[isa] SAULS (1847-1893)
James PARSONS (1800-????)&Sarah BRATTEN (1802-????)
Gibson PEARCE (1780-1866)&Esther NICHOLS (1800-1850)
Edward G PENLAND (1912-1969)&Geneva SEAWRIGHT (1911-????)
Joseph PERGERSON (1801-1870)&Unity PASCHALL (1805-1870)
William Isaac PERGERSON (1845-1925)&Francis Elizabeth CATLETT (1865-1938)
Jacob Valentine PETHEL (1836-1922)&Mary Ann WALTER (1835-1876)
Allen PETTY (1800-1860)&Sarah CURRIE (1805-1860)
John Alexander PIERCE (1779-1842)&Elizabeth (1775-1840)
John Monroe PIERCY (1857-1935)&Mary Jane MAUNEY (1858-1945)
Henry POOL (1763-1833)&Margaret TARBUTTON (????-1847)
David POOVEY (1815-1873)&Christian Lucretia McCALLUM (1818-1900)
William Poole POPE (1845-1930)&Barbary STRICKLAND (1846-1931)
Joshua Wood PRATT (1846-1911)&Sarah Nancy DYE (1848-1925)
Enoch PRESNAL (1794-1850)&Sarah Elizabeth SALTS (1807-1854)
Elijah PRICE (????-1794)&Nancy (????-????)
Henry PROPST (1785-1863)&Mary Catherine CRESS (1787-1856)
Nelson PROPST (1818-1862)&Elizabeth EDDLEMAN (1821-????)
Wesley Columbus PROPST (1844-1927)&Eveann Licettia BEAVER (1854-1930)
Willie Meshach PROPST (1881-1957)&Minnie Caldonia SHAVER (1880-1969)

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Family Group Sheets are copyrighted by their submitters.
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