North Carolina FGS Project
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North Carolina Families with Surnames Beginning with A

These family group sheet files were contributed for use in the FGS Project. They may NOT
be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons.
Cornelius ACORD (1760-1839)&Barbara EAKER (1764-1839)
Cornelius ACORD (1800-1853)&Sarah C STEWART (1803-1880)
Drewry ALDRIDGE (1766-1840)&Edith HARDY (1768-1811)
Joseph Paschal ALLEN (1827-1883)&Mary Elizabeth WATSON (1842-1886)
Paschal Ira Grant ALLEN (1882-1941)&Etta Camelia McBRAYER (1888-1967)
William W. ALLEN (1782-1853)&Nancy BALDRIDGE (1788-1856)
Charles Holt ANDERSON (1897-1992)&Viola Elizabeth ISLEY (1902-2001)
Sandy Monroe ANDREWS (1866-1942)&Sarah Francis HARRIS (1870-1934)
Thomas ARMON (1752-1833)&Charity DOWLIN (1759-1845)
Jacob ARNEY (1778-1848)&Azubah WEST (1789-????)
George Griffin AYCOCK (1838-1900)&Holland Annie ROSE (1855-1900)
Leonard Augusta AYCOCK (1878-1965)&Lena Elizabeth PLEASANTS (1877-1942)

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Family Group Sheets are copyrighted by their submitters.
The pages are created, maintained and © 2003-2025, Gina Heffernan.
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