North Carolina Family Group Sheet for the James B. JORDAN Family

Husband: James B. JORDAN
Birthdate: 8 June 1837
Birthplace: Wake County, North Carolina
Death date: 27 April 1899
Place of death: Deland, Volusia, Florida
Burial: Oakdale Cemetery, Deland, Volusia, Florida

Marriage date: 26 Sept 1866
Marriage place: Trimble County, Kentucky

Wife: Martha Elizabeth FEARN
Birthdate: 10 August 1846
Birthplace: Trimble County, Kentucky
Death date: 1936
Place of death: Deland, Volusia, Florida
Burial: Oakdale Cemetery, Deland, Volusia, Florida
Father: Samuel FEARN, Jr.
Mother: Elizabeth OWEN


Child No. 1: Samuel Dangerfield JORDAN
Sex: M
Birthdate: 7 Nov 1867
Birthplace: Kentucky
Death date: 29 Aug 1939
Place of death:
Burial: Oakdale Cemetery, Deland, Volusia, Florida
Marriage date: 30 Jan 1894
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: Mary Frances TANNER

Child No. 2: Catharine "Katie" Bertram JORDAN
Sex: F
Birthdate: 20 Aug 1869
Birthplace: Trimble County, Kentucky
Death date: 7 Aug 1898
Place of death: Deland, Volusia, Florida
Burial: Oakdale Cemetery, Deland, Volusia, Florida
Marriage date: 13 May 1885
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: Richard Turner Julian GRAY
* JAMES B. JORDAN - died at 61 years. Birth place information was obtained from the 1830 census of his son Samuel D. Jordan, Deland Volusia, Florida.
* Birth date and place source: Old Settlers' Journal
* Also stated: "Jordan was a Captain in a North Carolina Regiment during the war between the states and served two years under General Vance in Virginia. He was wounded and captured at the Battle of Gettysburg, being imprisioned on Johnson's Island until the close of the war."
* Death date from the West Volusia County, Florida Cemetery Inscriptions, Volume One, Oakedale Cemetery, Deland, 1882 - 1971: Page 82;
Jordan Monument
James B. died April 27, 1899, age 61 years
Katie, beloved daughter of J.B. & M.E.
Jordan died Aug 7 1898, aged 29 years
* Also headstones
(Kate - J.B.J. - Martha) Jordan,
Samuel D. son of James B. & Martha E. Jordan Nov 7, 1867 - Aug 29, 1939
Jordan, Mary Frances daughter if Horace A. and Ellen B. Tanner Oct 27, 1873 - Sept 13, 1957 Page 37: A Confederate Memorial (enclosed with a low fence) In Loving Tribute to the Memory if Our Confederate Veteran Dead in Oakdale Cemetery, DeLand, Florida...
Additional name... Jordan, James B. 1st Lt & Adj Co D 26 N.C. Inf. (Company D is Wake County in North Carolina)
* Listed in the 1885 Florida Census: Jordan, J.B. 0029 VOL
* History of Volusia County, Florida Chapter XVII DeLand (1873 - 1890) page 111 Page 111
also J.B. Jordan of Kentucky,... Page 112 ...
J.B. Jordan ... all of Kentucky...took up homesteads in 1875 and built log cabins in the pine woods... Page 113 ...
1877 and J.B. Jordan moved to DeLand settlement and opened the first store there.
Page 114 In 1878 J.B.Jordan sold his store to G.A. Dreka...
* Middle name could be "Bell"
* Bap & End dates from Family Search for James Bell Jordan.

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