North Carolina Family Group Sheet for the John DENNIS Family

Husband: John DENNIS
Birthdate: 1725
Birthplace: New Jersey
Death date: 1797
Place of death: Columbia County, Ga
Burial: unknown
Father: Samuel Dennis
Mother: Ruth Tindall

Marriage date: May 14 1742
Marriage place: Center MM, Pa

Wife: Mary SLATER
Birthdate: 1725
Birthplace: New Jersey
Death date: 1810
Place of death: Jones County, Ga
Burial: unknown
Father: unknown
Mother: unknown


Child No. 1: Issac DENNIS
Sex: m
Birthdate: 1750
Birthplace: North Carolina
Death date: 1829
Place of death: Jones County, Ga
Burial: unknown
Marriage date: 1780
Marriage place: Georgia
Spouse's name: Sarah Moore

Child No. 2: Abraham DENNIS
Sex: m
Birthdate: unknown
Birthplace: New Jersey
Death date: unknown
Place of death: Georgia
Burial: unknown
Marriage date: unknown
Marriage place: Georgia
Spouse's name: Elizabeth unknown

Child No. 3: Jacob DENNIS
Sex: m
Birthdate: 1744
Birthplace: Columbia County, Ga
Death date: 1816
Place of death: Jones County, Ga
Burial: unknown
Marriage date: unknown
Marriage place: Richmond County, Ga
Spouse's name: Sarah S RESPRESS

Child No. 4: John DENNIS
Sex: m
Birthdate: 1745
Birthplace: New Jersey
Death date: unknown
Place of death: Kentucky
Burial: unknown
Marriage date: unknown
Marriage place: Columbia County, Ga
Spouse's name: Mary SHEPARD

Child No. 5: Thomas DENNIS
Sex: m
Birthdate: unknown
Birthplace: NorthCarolina
Death date: unknown
Place of death: Georgia
Marriage date:
Burial: unknown
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

Child No. 6: Ann DENNIS
Sex: f
Birthdate: unknown
Birthplace: North Carolina
Death date: unknown
Place of death: Georgia
Burial: unknown
Marriage date: September 1 1785
Marriage place: Liberty County, Ga
Spouse's name: Samuel Osteen
* Quaker Records.
* Deeds.

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