North Carolina Family Group Sheet for the Drewry ALDRIDGE, Jr Family

Husband: Drewry ALDRIDGE Jr (1,2)
   Birthdate: 1766 - , Dobbs, North Carolina, USA
  Death date: Aug 1840 - , Greene, North Carolina, USA
      Father: Drewry ALDRIDGE (Abt 1734-1795)
      Mother: Mary BARRINGTON (Abt 1734-1790)
    Marriage: Abt 1786                       Place: , Dobbs, North Carolina, USA
Other Spouse: Elizabeth WHITE (1771-After 1850)  Date: Abt 1811
   Wife: Edith HARDY (3)
   Birthdate: 1768 - , Dobbs, North Carolina, USA (4)
  Death date: 1811 - , Greene, North Carolina, USA
      Father: Lemuel HARDY Jr (1730-1797) (5)
      Mother: Mary Elizabeth SUTTON (1747-1800) (6)
1  M  Lemuel Hardy ALDRIDGE
   Birthdate: Abt 1789 - , Dobbs, North Carolina, USA
  Death date: Bef 1890 - , , Texas, USA
  Marr. Date:
2  M  Drury ALDRIDGE III (7,8)
   Birthdate: Abt 1790 - , Dobbs, North Carolina, USA (9)
  Death date: Bef 1860 - , , Texas, USA
      Spouse: Anna ??? (Abt 1795-After 1860) (10,11,12)
  Marr. Date: Abt 1818 - , , Georgia, USA
3  M  Jesse B ALDRIDGE
   Birthdate: Abt 1795 - , Greene, North Carolina, USA
  Death date: Deceased
  Marr. Date:
4  F  Mary ALDRIDGE (13)
   Birthdate: 17 Mar 1802 - , Greene, North Carolina, USA (14)
  Death date: 19 Jul 1881 - , Greene, North Carolina, USA (15)
      Spouse: Rev Parrott MEWBORN Jr (1799-1864) (16)
  Marr. Date: 27 Nov 1821 - , , North Carolina, USA (17)
5  F  Edith Elizabeth ALDRIDGE
   Birthdate: 1804 - , Lenoir, North Carolina, USA
  Death date: 23 Apr 1838 - , Greene, North Carolina, USA
      Spouse: Josiah SUGG (1789-1844)
  Marr. Date:

General Notes: Husband - Drewry ALDRIDGE Jr

I have no PROOF that this Drewry is my Drury's father. I am going by name, location and date

Old Dobbs County Johnston/Dobbs/Lenoir Counties Grantor Index
Book 12   April 1779 - April 1784
From            To               Page
Monk, Menan     Drury Alldridge  200
Taylor, Robert  Drury Alldridge  498

The park at the Bluffs was inherited by Drew Jr. and kept up with some improvements until the

Last Modified: 4 Jul 2016


    1. Aldridge, Shade, Drewry Aldridge. Shade received this from Ima Mewborn.
         shadea [at]
    2. Creech, James, Wooten Family Genealogy and other papers, Drewry Aldridge. I am no longer
         sure where I found this article.
    3. Hughes, Belinda J Melton, BJ's Genealogy Site, Edith Hardy.
    4. Hughes, Belinda J Melton, BJ's Genealogy Site, Edith Hardy.  1811, Greene County, North
    5. Hughes, Belinda J Melton, BJ's Genealogy Site, Lemuel Hardy.
    6. Hughes, Belinda J Melton, BJ's Genealogy Site, Mary Elizabeth Sutton.
    7. Armstrong, Harold P. Jr, Drury Aldridge.
    8. 1850 Federal Census, Texas, Nacogdoches, pg 79B.  D Aldridge.
    9. 1850 Federal Census, Texas, Nacogdoches, pg 79B.  age 59, North Carolina.
    10. 1860 Federal Census, Texas, Nacogdoches, pg 164.  Anna Aldridge.
    11. Wilson, Pam, Arledge Family History Project (, Sarah
         Brandle.  Sarah Ann Brandle? or a different wife?.
    12. 1850 Federal Census, Texas, Nacogdoches, pg 79B.  Anna Aldridge.
    13. Mewborn, Ima, Mary Aldridge. Shade received this from Ima.
    14. Mewborn, Ima, Mary Aldridge.  17 Mar 1802, Greene County, North Carolina.
    15. Mewborn, Ima, Mary Aldridge.
    16. Mewborn, Ima, Rev Parrot Mewborn Jr.
    17. Mewborn, Ima, Mary Aldridge.  27 Nov 1821, North Carolina.

My Notes

   If there is no SOURCE, I have no PROOF! If the source is a person, the information is HEARSAY.


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