Pennsylvania FGS Project
There are 1447 families from which to choose.
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Families with Surnames Beginning with M

These family group sheet files were contributed for use in the FGS Project. They may NOT
be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons.
James MACK (1781-1857) &Catherine GROWALL (1805-1884)
John MACK (1750-????) &Mary McBRIDE (????-1801)
John MACKEY (1802-1886) &Annie HEATHERINGTON (1804-????)
Harley Alvin MADOLE (1879-1940) &Anna Julianna NEITZLE (1884-1966)
John MAGEE (1784-????) &Sarah FRAMPTON (1785-????)
James MAGUIRE (1805-1860) &Catherine ROBINSON (1820-????)
Capt. Bradley MAHANA (1806-1874) &Catherine SEALS (1809-1875)
John MAHANNA (1778-1851) &Nancy MAHANNA (1784-1866)
Thomas MAIN (1831-1891) &Emily A. VAN VALKENBURG (1840-1926)
Francis James MALLON (1898-1965) &Genevieve Edith RAFFERTY (1901-1984)
Rueben Edward MANN (1873-????) &Emma OLMER (1876-????)
George W MANNERS (1824-1880) &Mary Jane GASTON (1827-1888)
Joseph MANNERS (1786-1864) &Jane HINDMAN (1786-1855)
George MARIS (1632-????) &Alice (????-????)
Jonathan MARIS (1791-1853) &Mary GARRETT (1796-1859)
Joseph MARIS (????-1758) &Ann SHIPLEY (1720-????)
Richard MARIS (1672-1745) &Elizabeth HAYES (1672-????)
Jonas Calvin MARKS (1874-1943) &Mary Malcena HUGHES (1871-1965)
Leonard MARKS (1839-1889) &Elizabeth NOEL (1842-1926)
Thomas MARKS (1795-1865) &Anna Mary CARPER (1804-1891)
George MARSHALL (1845-1880) &Jane Adeline GOOD (1850-1908)
Christian MARTIN (1797-????) &Lydia (1807-1883)
James C. MARTIN (1835-1910) &Susan McCOY (1837-1915)
Joseph E. MARTIN (1832-1901) &Susan H. BRINSER (1829-1903)
Joseph MARTINCIC (1875-1907) &Ursula REPOVSH (????-1924)
Henry A. MARTZ (1831-1925) &Sarah E. HARNER (1843-1891)
Earnest Frederick MATHAY (1882-????) &Margretta KING (1888-1955)
Jesse MATTHEWS (1769-1869) &Elizabeth 'Betsy' CALHOUN (1786-1833)
Daniel MAURER (1778-1857) &Elizabeth (1780-1864)
Solomon MAURER (1816-1891) &Lydia CROUSE (1838-1895)
Alexander Hamilton MAXWELL (1836-1885) &Mary Jane HINDMAN (1842-1914)
Andrew Mowery MAXWELL (1840-1915) &Martha Jane KITZMILLER (1848-1915)
Samuel MAZE (1788-1875) &Isabella STEPHENSON (1788-1839)
Francis McBRIDE (????-????) &Katherine CURRY (1857-1940)
Charles McCLAFFERTY (1831-1896) &Ellen CLARK (1835-1907)
Joseph Benson McCLAIN (1819-1888) &Lucinda BETTERTON (1831-1924)
William McCLAIN (????-????) &unknown (????-????)
James McCLINCY (1782-1864) &Mary BARRETT (1787-1883)
Michael Francis McCLOSKEY (1866-1944) &Mary Elizabeth TRAINOR (1867-1945)
David McCLURE (1726-1796) &Jane McCORMICK (????-1780)
Christopher McCOLLISTER (1824-1880) &Mary E. HILL (1837-1880)
Charles Norris McCOY (1827-1908) &Martha Ellen BELL (1825-1889)
James McCREARY (1789-1871) &Mary HOLT (1790-1831)
James McCREARY (1789-1871) &Rachel Westbrook COLE (????-????)
James McCREARY (1789-1871) &Margaret CLAPP (????-????)
James McCURDY (1783-1814) &Rachel TALBOT (1783-1814)
Joseph P McDONALD (1843-????) &Sarah Ann HAVERLY (1847-1897)
Andrew McDOWELL (1879-1923) &Priscilla Louise LILLY (1886-1966)
Samuel McGARR (1800-1849) &Mary Ann PINKERTON (1806-1859)
Thomas McGEEHAN (1877-????) &Ruth SULLVIAN (????-????)
Jasper Roderic McGINNIS (????-1815) &Jane ARMSTRONG (????-????)
Samuel McGRATH (1824-1894) &Jane ATCHISON (1833-1897)
Joseph McGUIRE (1886-????) &Ida WISHART (1884-1963)
Joseph F. McKEE (1849-1918) &Anna Margaret SHEPHERD (1851-1939)
Samuel McKEE (????-1780) &Margaret VEASY (????-????)
William Augustus McKENRICK (1863-1905) &Elizabeth Jane 'Eliza' RAFFERTY (1863-1890)
William Augustus McKENRICK (1863-1905) &Mary Ellen LINES (1863-1945)
Daniel McKEOWN (1790-????) &Bridgett CORRIGAN (1790-1866)
Daniel Harry McKEOWN (1846-1922) &Mary Ann SHIELDS (1850-1930)
William McKINLEY (1752-1812) &Mary (????-????)
Judge Robert McKINNIS (1777-1863) &Elizabeth CRINER (1777-1845)
Joseph McMILLAN (????-????) &Annie BAKER (????-????)
Samuel McMULLEN (????-1825) &Ella BAXTER (????-????)
Peter McQUILLEN (1863-1912) &Annie C (????-1953)
Jacob MECK (????-????) &Margareta NIES (????-????)
Johann MECK (1799-1862) &Elizabeth (????-1846)
George W. MEILY (1846-1931) &Emily "Emma" C. PINKERTON (1842-1890)
George W. MEILY (1846-1931) &Lillian Alfonsa BOWERS (1862-1945)
Duffey M. MELLOTT (1900-1988) &Cleo BARD (1900-1999)
Melvin H. MELLOTT (1912-1940) &Nettie Henretta DESHONG (1916-2002)
Adam MENGES (1807-1854) &Elizabeth BURKHART (1806-1893)
Amos MERCER (1755-1816) &Mary BARNES (1756-????)
Joseph MERCER (1731-1758) &Jane SWAYNE (1733-????)
John Jerimiah MERRILL (1808-1887) &Almira WHELPLEY (1806-1881)
Henry MERRYMAN (1833-1907) &Christina WOLBERT/WOOLBERT (1840-1928)
Adam W. METZGER (1846-1874) &Permelia S. TAYLOR (1849-1931)
Jacob Daniel METZGER (1854-1884) &Sarah FAHRINGER (1854-1936)
John Christian MEYER (1871-1931) &Susanna WANDFLUH (1872-1901)
John Christian MEYER (1871-1931) &Emilie WANDFLUH (1878-????)
Phillip MEYER (1836-1877) &Mary Anna KELLER (????-????)
Robert MICKEY (1800-1850) &Sarah BEDINGER (1806-1890)
George John MIHLEDER (1862-1936) &Elizabeth SCOTT (1878-1960)
Augustus MILLER (1842-1919) &Mary Anna EBERHART (1845-1901)
David Grant MILLER (1864-1930) &Ella Bell HUNTER (1870-1905)
Elijah MILLER (1836-1903) &Carolina Eliza TREXLER (1845-1925)
George MILLER (1794-1880) &Maria Magdelina STARTZEL (1804-1880)
George F. MILLER (1834-1907) &Amelia B. ANGSTADT (1834-1914)
Harvey George Washington MILLER (1870-1942) &Louisa S. ZUBER (1865-1944)
Henry MILLER (1788-1871) &Susanna (1793-1867)
Henry A. MILLER (1813-1841) &Sarah (????-????)
Isaac MILLER (1830-1885) &Mary Jane MORELAND (1830-1862)
Isaac MILLER (1830-1885) &Roseanna SNYDER (1836-1879)
James Edward MILLER (1890-1945) &Sarah Edith HAWN (1890-1967)
John MILLER (1766-1853) &? (1770-1848)
John MILLER (1783-1860) &Catherine MOORE (1798-1860)
John MILLER (????-????) &? (????-????)
John Calvin MILLER (1840-1912) &Ann HERSHEY (1844-1928)
John Ferdinand MILLER (1843-1903) &Rhoda Ann LYON (1848-1939)
William MILLER (1755-1820) &Sarah (1755-1820)
Alexander MITCHELL (1842-????) &Marion DUNCAN (1841-????)
George MITCHELL (????-????) &Martha FULTON (????-????)
Robert Duncan MITCHELL (1878-1939) &Helen Christy BARCLAY (1878-1969)
William MITCHELL (1820-1889) &Janet ALISON (1821-1855)
Ernst MOLLENHAUER (1770-1839) &Margaret SPENGLERN (1786-1870)
Lawrence MONAHAN (1854-1939) &Ida Ann HARSHMAN (1869-1942)
Charles MONROE (1810-1898) &Philinda (1815-1897)
William R. MOONEY (1825-1902) &Mary Charlotte HENRY (1826-1894)
Ezra Allen MOORE (1826-1892) &Mary WRIGLESWORTH (1824-1868)
George Ward MOORE (1873-1954) &"Maggie" McCARTNEY (1876-1929)
John Wriglesworth MOORE (1857-1930) &Sarah M BURGIN (1859-1939)
William A MOORE (1852-1942) &Frances Louisa BURGIN (1860-1946)
William S. MOORE (1841-1910) &Sarah J. McCRARY (1845-1898)
Sidney MORFORD (1822-1902) &Catherine CROW (1826-1874)
Lyghtle MORGAN (1814-1885) &Susanna ROMIGH (1823-1910)
Thomas Gale MORGAN (1870-1917) &Catherine Beatrice GILMORE (1875-1965)
David MORRIS (1820-1893) &Anna THOMAS (1822-1900)
John MORRISON (1840-1900) &Winefred BERGIN (1843-1889)
Lemuel Webb MORSE (1837-1936) &Priscilla STEVENS (1846-1913)
Pete MOSKEL (1912-1996) &Anne SILINSKEY (1913-2009)
Hans Michael MOUSER (1707-????) &Agathia GOMMINGER (1710-????)
Jasper Henry MOYLAN (1809-1854) &Mary MYERS (1804-1886)
Joseph McK MOYLAN (1842-1911) &Lydia Louisa WILSON (1844-1912)
Robert W. MUCK (1842-1917) &Susan KOHL (1840-1926)
James Harvey MULLEN (1809-1890) &Anna WATSON (1808-1890)
Andrew MUMAW (1783-1858) &Elizabeth FREED (1785-1866)
George Daniel MUMMA (1890-1942) &Blanche Goldie KELSO (1899-1954)
Henry MURPHY (1749-1826) &Susan FOSTER (1754-1843)
James MUSGROVE (????-????) &Hannah COX (????-????)
James MUSGROVE (1742-1824) &Ann (????-????)
Thomas MUSGROVE (1740-1794) &Christian (????-????)
John Toner MYERS (1850-1937) &Sarah A. COOK (1844-1937)
Solomon MYERS (1826-1792) &Elizabeth (1795-1871)
Daniel Charles MYRICK (1819-1894) &Anne Priscilla EACOTT (1827-1917)

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Family Group Sheets are copyrighted by their submitters.
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