Pennsylvania FGS Project
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Pennsylvania Families with Surnames Beginning with C

These family group sheet files were contributed for use in the FGS Project. They may NOT
be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons.
Isaac CADWALLADER Jr. (1783-1821)&Willy Ann SMITH (1789-1828)
Thomas CAIN (1784-1837)&Mary MONTAGUE (1784-1860)
James Alexander CALDWELL (1844-1908)&Viola STANLEY (1845-????)
William CAMERON (1764-1822)&Jane LINTON (1763-1836)
Daniel S. CAMPBELL (1812-1892)&Mary Elizabeth LOCKE (1816-1847)
Henry J. CAMPBELL (1827-1908)&Agnes Ann BYRNE (1824-1851)
Robert CAMPBELL (1842-1911)&Sarah Jane TODD (1843-1928)
William CAMPBELL (1813-????)&Emily ROBINSON (1809-????)
Jacob CARBERRY (1853-1925)&Catherine E. BOLINGER (1862-1939)
John CARL (1791-1877)&Susanna KOLB (1795-1866)
Ward D CARLSON (1899-????)&Helen Doris Oleta CAMPBELL (1906-1958)
James B. CARMER (1821-????)&Jane STEEL (1825-????)
James CARSON (1800-1875)&Mary GEER (1810-1885)
Barnabas CARTER (1823-1896)&Elizabeth WATSON (1822-1893)
Walter Henry CARVIN (1867-1947)&Mary B. LANGHAM (1869-1964)
Darius M. CASE (1840-1914)&Elizabeth TAYLOR (1845-1929)
Thomas CASHDOLLAR (1790-????)&unknown (????-????)
Jacob CASSEL (1813-1879)&Jane NOLAND (1816-1876)
David CASSIDAY (1767-1844)&Rachel MEEK (1777-1845)
John Miles CHAMBERLIN (1875-1946)&Virgie M BIDNER (1886-1954)
Uriah CHAPMAN (1733-1816)&Sibel COOK (1736-1807)
Harold Eugene CHESNUT (1889-1950)&Winifred BARD (1907-1982)
Ezekiel CHESTER (1766-????)&? (????-????)
John William M. CLAAR (1838-1903)&Margaret WEISEL (1838-1875)
Mathias Walter CLAAR (1808-1883)&Mary MUSSELMAN (1812-1858)
Martin CLABAUGH (1744-1822)&Mary Margaret HOUSEHOLDER (1752-1848)
Andrew J. CLARK (1831-1899)&Harriet LONG (1842-1907)
David CLARK (1825-1896)&Mary Jane SHIPMAN? (1827-1891)
Dennis James CLARK (1845-1921)&Miranda Elizabeth HOLLAND (1852-1943)
James M CLARK (1804-1868)&? (????-????)
John CLARK (1810-????)&Nacy COLLINS (????-????)
Michael CLARK (1774-1864)&Matilda (1795-1847)
William CLARK (1807-1857)&Jane E RAFFERTY (1816-1893)
William CLINK (????-????)&Mae CHAMBERS (????-????)
William Lewis COCHRAN (1799-1869)&Eliza STANLEY (1804-1868)
Peter Anthony COLABINE (1825-1864)&Sarah E. HOFFER (1837-1910)
Charles Warren COLBERT (1905-1952)&Hettie Jane FEATHERS (1906-1981)
Stephen COLE (1701-????)&Martha HUNTER (1708-1761)
Philip COLEMAN (1771-1838)&Ann KELLY (1778-1838)
Joseph Edward COLES (1888-1966)&Katie Elizabeth (1902-1986)
John Wilford COLLIER (1864-1943)&Mary Christine TITGEN (1867-1944)
Stephen COMBS (1750-1807)&Barbara ALLEN (1749-????)
G. L. COMSTOCK (1841-????)&Isabella M. (1855-????)
James C. CONNER (1853-1902)&Mary Lorretta CODER (????-????)
George W. CONRAD (1820-1893)&Harriett BRYAN (1827-1894)
Patrick CONWAY (1863-1918)&Catherine McCLAFFERTY (1861-1930)
Peter COOKE (1700-1779)&Sarah GILPIN (1706-1783)
George COON ( (1786-1872)&Mary Burket NORTH (3) (1789-1870)
Christian "Cappy" COONROD (1780-1896)&Betsy Elizabeth ROBINAULT (1813-1901)
Patrick COOPER (1857-1905)&Eliza URELL (1857-1915)
John COPPOCK (1709-1789)&Margaret COULSON (1708-1788)
John Irwin CORBETT (1872-1941)&Minnie Estella STORY (1872-1948)
James CORNELIUS (1790-1870)&Jane CAMPBELL (1794-1867)
Cyrus CORSON (1839-1907)&Sarah Helen CARPENDER (1848-1937)
Peter T. CORSON (1814-1863)&Catharine DERR (1819-1897)
Michael Edward COSGROVE (1846-1905)&Susan Anne EDWARDS (1855-1920)
George Washington "Wash" COSPER (1841-1923)&Marietta Arabella "Mate" CLARK (1849-1925)
Andrew COWELL (1772-1828)&Elizabeth (1778-????)
John Westly CRAWFORD (1889-1950)&Olive FULLER (????-????)
Rev. John CROM (1781-1851)&Margaret MILLER (1780-1854)
William N. CROMWELL (1795-????)&Matilda LOWDIE (1807-????)
William Treacy CROSS (1892-1956)&Louisa Reed LERNER (1892-1961)
Frank CUMMINGS (????-????)&Emily "Emma" PEIFFER (1875-1908)
James C CUMMINGS (1840-1909)&Sarah GRIFFITH (????-????)
James Grover CURRY (1883-1950)&Effie Mae BONSALL (1887-1947)
John CURRY (1834-1915)&Jane REDDEN (1835-1921)
John Henderson CURRY (1879-9367)&Myrtle Vida WRIGLESWORTH (1884-1965)
Elilu [Elihu?] CURTIS (1772-1813)&Margaret (1775-1868)
Joseph CURTIS (1810-1896)&Frederica L C BUDDENDORFF (1815-1902)
Louis Frederick Augustus CURTIS (1877-1944)&Lilly Mae HORNE (1885-1966)
William Robert CURTIS (1838-1828)&Amanda Clementine RAMSEY (1851-1935)

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