Pennsylvania FGS Project
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Pennsylvania Families with Surnames Beginning with D

These family group sheet files were contributed for use in the FGS Project. They may NOT
be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons.
William A. DALBY (????-????)&Gwendolyn WOLFGANG (1947-2000)
Mich'l DALY (1821-????)&Sara WALLINTON (1838-????)
Adam DANIEL (1781-1858)&Catherine WAGNER (1782-1850)
John DANKERT (1885-1971)&Martha DeVRIES (1888-1976)
John William DANVIR (1853-1894)&Margaret Mary RAFFERTY (1858-1927)
William D. DAVIES (1907-????)&Mamie SNYDER (1909-1939)
Camwells Parisho DAVIS (1843-1924)&Sarah Jane BUYERS (1842-1918)
Jackson K. DAVIS (1825-????)&Hattie J. LIVERMORE (1835-????)
James DAVIS (????-1828)&Susan (????-????)
Nathaniel DAVIS (1783-1838)&Sarah GRAHAM (1790-1884)
Rosser DAVIS (1837-1915)&Caroline POTTS (1840-1914)
Rosser Potts DAVIS (1868-1949)&Addie Amanda GROOMS (1874-1863)
Samuel DAVIS (1790-1880)&Nancy SPEER (1809-1900)
Victor Wayne DAVIS (1910-1999)&Sybil Alice ESCOTT (1918-1978)
William DAVIS (????-1745)&Elizabeth BRINSLEY (1670-1706)
John DAVISON (1791-1866)&Electa LOOMIS (1810-1887)
Clark Asa DAYTON (1850-1928)&Phoebe BROWN (1856-1881)
Henry Munson DEAN (1836-1930)&Emma JOHNSON (1841-1918)
Harry Wayne DECKER (1918-1998)&Georgia Claire BARD (1918-1997)
Samuel B DEE ( (1810-1869)&Christina BARR (5,6) (1814-1901)
Benjamin Franklin "Frank" DeGOOD (1847-1907)&Mary Martha NICKELL (1859-1932)
Nathaniel Dustin De GOOD (1826-1897)&Margaret LUSE (1834-1893)
Harold Walter DEIBLER (1901-1971)&Elizabeth FISCUS (1902-1987)
James F. DEIBLER (1881-1927)&Bertha McCULLOUGH (1881-1955)
Walter Edwin DEIBLER (1936-1997)&Patricia Ann WIEDBRAUK (1939-2003)
John Adam DEININGER (1852-1892)&Isabella A. "Belle" PINKERTON (1848-1933)
Philip DELCAMP (1814-1897)&Mary Catherine HILL (1851-1931)
Oscar Albert Theodore DELLERT (1880-1938)&Katherine STOEHR (1885-1957)
Michael DeLONG (1787-1872)&Elizabeth Foellner ZOELLNER (1795-1839)
Samuel DENNIS (1679-1754)&Ruth TINDALL (1679-????)
Thomas DENNIS (1645-1720)&Mary Jane TATNALL (1665-????)
John DETWILER (1827-1890)&Nancy WADE (1826-1909)
John W. DeWITT (1810-1895)&Orpha McCORMACK (1811-1878)
Lafayette Erastus DeWOLF (1835-1910)&Caroline GROW (1834-1893)
Harry Richard DIAS (1879-1929)&Annie STUMP (1880-1960)
Richard DIAS (1814-1870)&Susan MARDIS (1823-1904)
Ulysses Grant DICK (1868-1915)&Nancy Keturah FEATHER (1875-1946)
Alexander Barr DICKEY (1809-????)&Mary Martha MURPHY (????-????)
Christian DIEHL/DALE (????-1805)&Regina KREBS (????-1808)
Charles A DIETER (1826-????)&Mary Jane McCONAHY (1838-????)
Jacob W. DIETZ (1838-1915)&Sarah MILLER (1838-1913)
Robert Montgomery DILLON (1900-1973)&Mary M BURNS (1903-????)
Thomas DINE (1833-1908)&Elizabeth ALMOND (1841-1889)
Walter DINE (1878-1941)&Alice SCHULTZ (1884-1960)
Charles Edgar DISERT (1872-1932)&Nancy Grace OVERCASH (1874-1964)
Samuel DISERT (1812-1888)&Mary (1811-1882)
Anthony DITRO (1860-1909)&Theresa Maria DAMIANO (1869-1941)
Edward DODDS (1852-????)&Ellen Dodds (1855-????)
Patrick DODDS (1874-1937)&Catherine RAINEY (1879-1928)
DOMALAVAGE (1893-1963)&Catherine (1898-1963)
James DONNEL (1702-1764)&Anna Jennet STEEL (1704-1772)
John Martin DOSCH (1827-1914)&Ann Eliza TRUBY (1827-1903)
William DOUGHERTY (1810-1889)&Margaret Isabele WILSON (1814-1890)
Edwin DOUGHTY (1812-1860)&Eliza Jane Doughty (1820-1870)
Samuel S. DOUGHTY (1846-1902)&Mary Jane HUGGINS (1846-1904)
John DOWNING (1838-1919)&Ann PETHERICK (1841-1933)
Perry Walker DRAUCKER (1849-1936)&Margaret CLARK (1840-1924)
Kurvin D DRUCK (1891-1972)&Laura Virginia SHUTT (1889-1949)
Michael DUBEE (1909-1997)&Julia LITWAK (1912-1984)
James Lyden DUKENFIELD (1840-1913)&Kate Spangler FELTON (1855-1925)
Stephen DUNAY (1876-1961)&Cathar (1886-????)
James Reed DUNGAN (1782-1860)&Lydia VANDEGRIFT (1781-1857)
Oliver Shannon DUNKLE (1868-1950)&Mary Catherine CALHOUN (1873-1963)
James DUNLAP (1827-1870)&Matilda COTTON (1832-1864)
John Wesley DUNLAP (1811-1881)&Elizabeth WHITE (1816-1898)
Mansfield Obediah DUNNING (1831-1882)&Huldah Helen WEST (1840-1891)
David Patton DUVALL (????-????)&Elizabeth Cooper Duvall (????-????)

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