Pennsylvania FGS Project
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Pennsylvania Families with Surnames Beginning with J

These family group sheet files were contributed for use in the FGS Project. They may NOT
be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons.
Benjamin JACK (1767-1851)&Mary McNEES (1772-1816)
Dale JACKSON (????-????)&Hattie THORNTON (????-1968)
Hanson Andrew JACKSON (1855-1889)&Lousia Cline LEHMAN (1856-1929)
Lyman JACKSON (1756-1835)&Deidama DUNHAM (1765-1841)
Wilhelm JACOBI (1817-1891)&Anna Margaretha JUNG (1814-1898)
Rolen Duane JESS (1907-1958)&Nellie Miller SWAN (1909-2001)
Abel JOHNSON/JOHNSTON (1780-1848)&Christina CURTIS (1784-1836)
Capt. Christopher Bern JOHNSON (1752-1838)&Sarah EVERITT (1752-1833)
James JOHNSON (1825-1895)&Sylvia C. BLISS (1831-1893)
Jonathan Curtis JOHNSON/JOHNSTON (1792-1874)&Elizabeth COLDRON (1800-1888)
William H.H. JOHNSON (1841-1886)&Ann RAFFERTY (1849-1895)
Charles Kester JOHNSTON (1872-1903)&Mary Frances 'Fannie' RAFFERTY (1872-1964)
Ford Kenney JOHNSTON (1904-1966)&Erie Mae WRIGLESWORTH (1902-1935)
Charles E. JONES (1842-1913)&Elizabeth KLINE (1838-1923)
Francis JONES (1660-1717)&Rachel NEWTON (1662-1717)
Francis JONES (1690-????)&Jane MEDCALF (1690-????)
Francis JONES (1725-1810)&Sarah Jane JONES (1733-1801)
John T. JONES (1849-1902)&Sarah REESE (1849-1925)
Moses Joshua JONES (1873-1944)&Sarah Clementine BOLDING (1880-1974)
Thomas JONES (????-????)&Sarah J. WYATT (1837-1906)
Trehorn JONES (1820-1890)&Elizabeth T. ARTHUR (1827-1894)

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