Tennessee FGS Project
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Tennessee Families with Surnames Beginning with P

These family group sheet files were contributed for use in the FGS Project. They may NOT
be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons.
James Monroe PACE (1812-1893) &Jane C. GAINES (1829-1906)
Jefferson PACE (1868-1940) &Clara Bell HOULETTE (1870-1925)
Norman PACE (1915-1975) &Cornelia Virginia WALLACE (1918-1993)
Orlando Gaines PACE (1907-1993) &Alice May HAWLEY (1911-1980)
Newton PARKS (1812-1868) &Mary MOORE (1812-1851)
Newton PARKS (1812-1868) &Elizabeth GALAHER (1817-1880)
William Wallace PATE (????-????) &Nancy E. EDWARDS (1852-1914)
Benjamin W. PATTY (1805-1870) &Sarah COOPER (1805-1880)
George Owen PATTY (1809-1880) &Jane CROCKETT (1810-1841)
George Owen PATTY (1809-1880) &Laura S. NEWMAN (1822-1880)
James M PATTY (1826-1858) &Mary Jane McCAFFREY (1827-????)
Josiah S. PATTY (1808-1860) &Rebecca J. BROWN (1815-1861)
Lafayette Raphael PATTY (1832-1910) &Leah E. SMITH (1826-1891)
Obed C PATTY (1819-1897) &Eliza S MILLARD (1823-1878)
Obediah "Obed" PATTY (1780-1843) &Sarah HOWELL (1780-1856)
Robert Jackson PATTY (1825-1905) &Salena Pauline 'Lettie' REYNOLDS (1820-1857)
Robert Jackson PATTY (1825-1905) &Mary B. HANSY (1834-????)
Robert Jackson PATTY (1825-1905) &Eliza A. WILSON (1837-1904)
William H PATTY (1822-1846) &Edith "Ede" FERGURSON (1826-????)
Joseph PEACOCK (1820-1900) &Mary Ann KINDRED (1825-1897)
Luther Lee "Luke" PEDDY (1879-1955) &Callie Emaline WOODRUFF (1879-1955)
John Nixon PENDERGRASS (1838-1918) &Sarah Agnes CARR (1841-1873)
George Washington Docton "Doc" PERRY (1860-1935) &Maria Birdie PAINTER (1860-1948)
John Samuel PERRY (1873-1904) &Henrietta DYCUS (1871-1900)
Samuel Shell PETTY (1837-1917) &Sarah Elizabeth LITTELL (1844-1924)
Joe Payne "Jack" PHILLIPS (1861-1946) &Belle DAVIS (1858-1953)
John PHILLIPS (1829-1927) &Delila MAINORD (1838-1889)
Silas Samuel PHILLIPS (1859-1919) &Tabitha Mary HILL (1857-1896)
Silas Samuel PHILLIPS (1859-1919) &Martha Ellen MORGAN (1873-1955)
Alfred PHIPPS (1812-1880) &Mary JONES (1810-1880)
Neal PLUNK (1847-1915) &Laura HENRY (1854-1920)
Henry Richard Gibson POLLARD (1894-1979) &Mayme Gertrude JONES (1897-1989)
John POLLOCK (1795-1865) &Elizabeth JENNINGS (1800- 160)
Henry James POOL (1848-1931) &Savannah Abigail "Abby" THOMPSON (1855-1914)
John W. POOL (1825-1897) &Mary Ann B. WILLIAMS (1835-1897)
Malcom C. POOL (1884-1970) &Mary J. SEIBER (1886-1976)
Reuben R. POOL (1886-1929) &Bessie EDWARDS (1895-1930)
James Robert POPE (1859-1947) &Juretta Viola HORNER (1862-1951)
Joseph PORTER (1793-1869) &Mary Monroe GRAGG (1806-1870)
Andrew Jackson POTEET (1848-1928) &Sarah Catherine [Sallie] BLAYLOCK (1854-1934)
Booker Overton POTEET (1824-1870) &Rosa VERBLE (1819-1859)
Booker Overton POTEET (1824-1870) &Mary Adaline ADKINSON /ATKINSON (1829-1900)
Willis Samuel POTEET (1885-1926) &Ida Nancy Jane WALKER (1884-1970)
J.C. POTTS (1830-????) &Charlotte Elizabeth IJAMS (1834-????)
Alexander POWELL (1786-1862) &Martha Patsey BROWDER (1787-1857)
John V. Wright PRATHER (1853-1905) &Emily A. SHIELDS (1856-1935)
Enoch PRESNAL (1794-1850) &Sarah Elizabeth SALTS (1807-1854)
Thomas Rees PRICE (1851-1906) &Ann Maria RICHARDS (1854-1941)
William Allen PRYOR (1895-1979) &Callie Lee RAMSEY (1903-1978)
Samuel Richard PUGH (1860-1928) &Mary Tennessee VERNON (1859-????)
Carl Ulysses PUSSER (1906-1978) &Helen HARRIS (1908-1987)

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