Tennessee FGS Project
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Tennessee Families with Surnames Beginning with J

These family group sheet files were contributed for use in the FGS Project. They may NOT
be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons.
President Andrew JACKSON (1767-1845) &Rachel DONELSON (1767-1828)
James Monroe JACKSON (1832-1876) &Jane L. MATHEWS (1834-1905)
Michael JACKSON (1805-1863) &Lavinia LOWER (1807-1900)
William JACKSON (1780-1862) &Mattheny WILSON (1780-1842)
William Andrew JACKSON (1830-1913) &Pa[u]lina Elizabeth HARRISON (1832-1859)
Riley JAMES (1819-1905) &Sarah NEWMAN (1832-1905)
James JARMAN (1795-1850) &Susanna (1800-1860)
J B JENKINS (????-????) &Margaret L HALE (????-1900)
Samuel JENNINGS (1771--182) &Judith SIMMONS (1771-1846)
George JOHNSON (1845-1874) &Mary Caroline GREEN (1844-1925)
Hubbard JOHNSON (1794-1862) &Elizabeth "Betsy" WEBB (1794-1874)
Morris L JOHNSON (1905-1989) &Anna EVANS (1907-1979)
Thomas A. "Tom" JOHNSON (1828-1876) &Margaret ENGLISH (1825-1876)
William Leonard JOHNSON (1869-1945) &Hettie Eugema MORRISON (1875-1945)
JONES (1790-1830) &Margaret CLOER (1792-1885)
Albert Bert JONES (1888-1973) &Bertha Rose GRIFFITH (1885-1948)
Peter Dillard JONES (1844-1890) &Rebecca Jane QUINN (1848-1899)

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