Tennessee FGS Project
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Tennessee Families with Surnames Beginning with G

These family group sheet files were contributed for use in the FGS Project. They may NOT
be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons.
John GALBRAITH (1752-1814) &Mary MARTIN (1756-1821)
James GERMAN (1795-1850) &Susanna (1800-1860)
Smith GIBBS (1805-????) &Sarah (1808-????)
Amos GIBSON (1815-1880) &Sarah Lillian REED (1815-1880)
Benjamin M. GIBSON (1827-1873) &Margaret Jane PORTER (1827-????)
Daniel GIBSON (1820-1886) &Malinda J. TROUT (1828-1873)
James W. GIBSON (1826-1907) &Prudence Irene McGINNIS (1835-1862)
James W. GIBSON (1826-1907) &Nancy Ann HAMILTON (1836-1881)
John C. GILLIS (1819-1901) &Ruth TILSON (1822-1899)
Quillen W. GILLIS (1843-1919) &Eliza Jane EDWARDS (1848-1931)
Austin GLENN (1802-1862) &Rhoda TURNER (1806-1848)
Henry GLENN (1805-1880) &Jennie FOREMAN (1816-1881)
James A. GLISSON (????-????) &Martha M. WHITWORTH (1864-????)
Hugh A. GOODMAN (1853-1924) &Nancy C. (1855-1900)
Robert "Bob" GOURLEY (1868-1909) &Ellen Caroline BUTLER (1873-1939)
Robert Marshall GRAHAM (1819-1895) &Mary ALSUP (1823-1846)
David E. GREEN[E] (1860-????) &Emma Lee EDWARDS (1863-1948)
Henry T GREEN (1823-1890) &Mary Jane EDWARDS (1827-1904)
Thomas Boulden GREEN (1858-1936) &Maggie Lee WHITE (1867-1955)
Dr. George W. GRIFFIN (1844-1924) &Susan Barbary McINTOSH (1845-1927)
John "Smith" GRIFFITH (1861-1908) &Anna M. BRYANT (1862-1907)
John H. GRIFFITH (1811-1890) &Henrietta (1812-1860)
George Washington GUTHRIE (1823-1902) &Permelia Ann FOKES (1832-1922)
John Franklin GUTHRIE (1802-1859) &Mary SWOAP (1803-1855)

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