Pennsylvania Family Group Sheet for the Harry Richard DIAS Family

Husband: Harry Richard DIAS
Birthdate: 29 Sep 1879
Birthplace: Allegheny Co, PA
Death date: 18 May 1929
Place of death: Burrell Twp, Indiana Co, PA
Burial: Coral Lutheran Cemetery, Indiana Co, PA
Father: Sanford DIAS
Mother: Lucinda Angeline WAGNER

Marriage date: 16 Jan 1901
Marriage place: unknown

Wife: Annie STUMP
Birthdate: Jun 1880
Birthplace: Pennsylvania
Death date: 1960
Place of death: unknown
Burial: unknown
Father: unknown
Mother: Hannah Lutzenkirchen


Child No. 1: Emma Jane (Dollie) DIAS
Sex: F
Birthdate: 22 Jan 1902
Birthplace: Indiana Co, PA
Death date: Apr 1983
Place of death: Derry, Westmoreland Co, PA
Burial: unknown
Marriage date: 5 Feb 1923
Marriage place: Greensburg, PA
Spouses' names: Anthony WALDRON

Child No. 2: Helena (Lena) May DIAS
Sex: F
Birthdate: 30 Nov 1905
Birthplace: Graceton, Indiana Co, PA
Death date: unknown
Place of death: unknown
Burial: unknown
Marriage date: 17 Sep 1926
Marriage place: Derry Twp, Westmoreland Co, PA
Spouses' names: George JAMES

Child No. 3: Florence DIAS
Sex: F
Birthdate: 19 Apr 1907
Birthplace: Homer City, Indiana Co, PA
Death date: 20 Nov 1991
Place of death: Latrobe, Westmoreland Co, PA
Burial: Lutheran Church Cemetery, Coral, PA
Marriage date: unknown
Marriage place: unknown
Spouses' names: Elmer EMMINGER

Child No. 4: Thelma A DIAS
Sex: F
Birthdate: 9 May 1909
Birthplace: Indiana Co, PA
Death date: 24 Jan 1982
Place of death: Bradenville, Westmoreland Co, PA
Burial: St Rose Cemetery
Marriage date: unknown
Marriage place: unknown
Spouses' names: George T BUNCIE

Child No. 5: Harry Richard DIAS JR
Sex: M
Birthdate: 26 Jan 1912
Birthplace: Indiana Co, PA
Death date: 2 Oct 1945
Place of death: Graceton, Indiana Co, PA
Burial: Coral Chapel Cemetery, Indiana Co, PA
Marriage date: unknown
Marriage place: unknown
Spouses' names: unknown

Child No. 6: Royal I DIAS
Sex: M
Birthdate: 31 Jan 1914
Birthplace: Graceton, Indiana Co, PA
Death date: Apr 1965
Place of death: unknown
Burial: unknown
Marriage date: 9 May 1935
Marriage place: unknown
Spouses' names: Mae O SMITH

Child No. 7: Charles P DIAS
Sex: M
Birthdate: 18 Jul 1918
Birthplace: Indiana Co, PA
Death date: unknown
Place of death:
Burial: unknown
Marriage date: unknown
Marriage place: unknown
Spouses' names: unknown
* US Census Data,
* Family Records.

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