New York FGS Project
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New York Families with Surnames Beginning with T

These family group sheet files were contributed for use in the FGS Project. They may NOT
be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons.
James J. TAGGART (1823-1898)&Helen N. EIGHMEY (1834-1913)
Hollis Emerson TAYLOR (1891-1961)&Eva M. GRIMSHAW (1895-1981)
Franklin Billington TERPENNING (1835-1931)&Lovina WALTON (1840-1920)
Joseph Martin THOMAS (1844-1927)&Christina MEDDERS (1845-1921)
Johannes THOMASEN (????-????)&Aefje JACOBS (????-????)
Robert THOMPSON (1830-????)&Anna (1830-????)
George Lemon THOMSON (1854-1938)&Ella Orphelia MURRAY (1859-1916)
Smith Dexter THORNTON (1793-1860)&Asia BALLOU (1798-1860)
Hezekiah TOPPING (1680-1748)&Martha WOOD (1683-1748)
James TOPPING (1632-1694)&Abigail LUPTON (????-????)
Johnn TOPPING (1706-1747)&Sarah HALSEY (1706-1747)
Josiah TOPPING (1662-1729)&Hannah SAYRE (????-1748)
Schofield TORDOFF (1861-1945)&Polly CLOUGH (1862-1929)
Frederick Charles John TOTHILL (1849-1926)&[Elizabeth] Ann WARD (1850-1926)
Gideon TOWNSEND (1743-1770)&Letitia MONTFOORT (1742-1839)
Gideon TOWNSEND (1766-1841)&? (????-????)
John G TOWNSEND (1789-1826)&Aletty VERMILYA (1798-1861)
Frank TROMBLEE (1849-????)&Lucy L REED (1848-????)
Isaac Abrahamse TRUAX (1715-????)&Engeltje BECK (1715-1758)
Alvin TRUESDELL (1798-1869)&Jane (1820-1860)
Joab / Job TRUESDELL (1777-1860)&Huldah HAWKINS (1803-1890)
Joab / Job TRUESDELL (1777-1860)&Margaret RANKIN (????-????)
Jonah TRUESDELL (1773-1810)&Lucy HERRON (1775-1820)
Samuel TRUESDELL (1778-1866)&Polly WHEELER (1778-1816)
Samuel TRUESDELL (1778-1866)&Mrs. Hannah (1778-1818)
Samuel TRUESDELL (1778-1866)&Margaret MALLERY (1800-1869)
Arthur DeVer TRUMAN (1880-1956)&Bertha Marie MORGAN (1882-1976)
Donald Arthur TRUMAN (1906-1985)&Florence Irene VOSBURG (1912-1995)
Enos S. TUCKER (1816-1871)&Celinda BIRDSALL (1820-????)
Royal TUCKER (1839-????)&Ida M. FLINT (1855-1888)
William Henry TUCKER (1853-1922)&Cora Ann RAY (1861-1915)
William W. TUCKER (1812-1902)&Silvia SISSON (1814-1859)
Walter TURNBULL (1757-1820)&H. Cateren YOUNG (1762-????)
Lewis Warren TYRRELL (1836-1919)&Sarah Lucinda DAVIS (1841-1878)
Lewis Warren TYRRELL (1836-1919)&Flora YOUNG (1859-1936)
Manlius TYRRELL (1808-1861)&Esther LEWIS (1810-1896)

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