New York Family Group Sheet for the Isaac Abrahamse TRUAX Family

Husband: Isaac Abrahamse TRUAX
Birthdate: 1/13/1715
Birthplace: Schenectady, Schenectady Co., New York
Death date:
Place of death:
Father: Abraham Caleb TRIEUX
Mother: Christina DE LA GRANGE

Marriage date: 7/24/1742
Marriage place: Schenectady, Schenectady Co., New York

Wife: Engeltje BECK
Birthdate: 12/15/1715
Birthplace: Schenectady, Schenectady Co., New York
Death date: 6/27/1758
Place of death: Schenectady, Schenectady Co., New York
Burial: Vale Cemetery, Schenectady, Schenectady Co., New York
Father: Caleb BECK
Mother: Annetje (Anna) MOL


Child No. 1: Abreham TRUAX
Sex: m
Birthdate: 1/2/1743
Birthplace: Schenectady, Schenectady Co., New York
Death date: 6/27/1833
Place of death:
Marriage date: [1] 4/28/1770 [2] 1/8/1785
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: [1] Sarah VEDDER [2] Annatje PEEK

Child No. 2: Anna TRUAX
Sex: f
Birthdate: 7/8/1744
Death date: 2/7/1745
Place of death:
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

Child No. 3: Christina TRUAX
Sex: f
Birthdate: 2/1/1745
Death date: 10/2/1804
Place of death: Schenectady, Schenectady Co., New York
Burial: Vale Cemetery, Schenectady, Schenectady Co., New York
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

Child No. 4: Caleb TRUAX
Sex: m
Birthdate: 11/19/1747
Death date:
Place of death:
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

Child No. 5: Johannes TRUAX
Sex: m
Birthdate: 8/29/1749
Death date:
Place of death:
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

Child No. 6: Nancy Annatie TRUAX
Sex: f
Birthdate: 8/8/1751
Death date: 4/10/1834
Place of death: West Glenville, Schenectady Co., New York
Burial: Reformed Church Cemetery, West Glenville, Schenectady Co., New York
Marriage date: 9/3/1769
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: Simon C. GROOT

Child No. 7: Sarah TRUAX
Sex: f
Birthdate: 12/11/1753
Death date:
Place of death:
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

Child No. 8: Isaac I. TRUAX
Sex: m
Birthdate: 7/16/1756
Death date: 12/21/1854
Place of death: Schenectady, Schenectady Co., New York
Burial: Vale Cemetery, Schenectady, Schenectady Co., New York
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: Elizabeth CLUTE
1. Records, Schenectady County, New York.
2. Vale Cemetery, Schenectady, Schenectady Co., New York.
3. Reformed Church Cemetery, West Glenville, Schenectady Co., New York.
4. First Reformed Dutch Church, Schenectady, Schenectady Co., New York.
5. Records, First Reformed Dutch Church, Schenectady, Schenectady Co., New York.
6. Surrogate Records, Schenectady County, New York.

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