New York FGS Project
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New York Families with Surnames Beginning with D

These family group sheet files were contributed for use in the FGS Project. They may NOT
be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons.
Gen. James DANA (1735-1817)&Elizabeth WHITTEMORE (1741-1819)
Curtis James DART (1818-????)&Anna COVEL (1818-????)
Joshua Rufus DAY (1800-1883)&Louisa CARLEY (1809-1850)
Lyman DAYTON (1764-1811)&Abiah MATTHEWS (1765-1845)
William DAYTON (1788-1871)&Ruth LINDSLEY (1787-1824)
Jesse Class [Nicholas] DE GRAFF (1684-????)&Aeltie [Alida] HENNIONS (1690-1748)
Frederick DEDRICK (1761-1838)&Tamson TORRENCE (1773-1849)
Perry DeFORD (1871-1954)&Ida Mae FLOWER (1871-1906)
George B. DENOYELLES (1821-1902)&Jane E. BAIRD (????-1886)
Charles Wesley DEREMO (1844-1931)&Malissa DUBAY (1853-1898)
John DEVENS (1833-1925)&Margaret M (1844-1936)
Dennis Daniel DEVLIN (1864-1914)&Edith Sarah DEAN (????-????)
John DILLON (1757-1827)&Phebe ARCHER/BROWN (1761-1847)
John G. DINGMAN (????-1894)&Sarah McCOY (????-????)
John G. DINGMAN (????-1894)&Mary Dora AUSTIN (1817-1901)
Peter DINGMAN (1814-????)&Martha (1814-????)
Charles DITTMAN (1851-1925)&Johanna BECKMAN (1850-1923)
Barzillia DOUGLASS (1740-1825)&Mercy CONGDON (1740-1820)
George DOUGLASS (1767-1851)&Lucy WHITFORD (1776-1872)
Thomas DOWNEY (1798-1876)&Mary Lovinia (1809-1877)
Michael DOYLE (1823-1893)&Eliza McLAUGHLIN (1824-1905)
Wililam Henry Harrison DREW (1819-1879)&Laura PEASE (1832-1864)
William Henry Harrison DREW (1819-1879)&Georgiana STUART (1828-1906)
Benjamin F. DUNKIN (1798-1879)&Mary Magdelene GRISAMORE (1806-1860)
Benjamin F. DUNKIN (1879-1879)&Emma SMITH (1833-1905)
William DUNN (????-????)&Mariah (????-????)
Charles DWIGHT (????-????)&Ella Mae HALL (1876-1959)

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