New York FGS Project
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New York Families with Surnames Beginning with K

These family group sheet files were contributed for use in the FGS Project. They may NOT
be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons.
Adolph KAMINITZER (1876-1945)&Johanna JACOBIUS (1875-????)
Joseph Frank KARBAN (1911-1976)&Careene Mae SHATTUCK (1922-1997)
Charles Walter KELLEY (1859-1930)&Lillie Belle STANDARD (1889-1968)
Frank KELLISON (1871-1952)&Inez DURHAM (1885-1948)
William KELLY (1916-1993)&Clara WICMANDY (1925-1972)
George Adam KEMNER (1859-1927)&Hannah M. WHITE (1870-1937)
Jacob KENISON (1775-1855)&Mary BERRY (1771-1857)
Thomas KENNEDY (1802-1866)&Nancy PROUD (1808-1889)
Jehiel KILBORN (1749-1803)&Anna VAILL (1749-????)
John KIMBERLEY (1788-1885)&Mary HADY (1790-1862)
Charles KING (1818-1885)&Matilda (1827-1890)
Francis James KIRSCHENHEITER (1859-1935)&Mary MOSER (1866-1929)
Franz "Frank" KIRSCHENHEITER (1836-1880)&Mary LOESCHHORN (1836-1880)
Anton KNAPP (1840-1910)&Louise KOENIG (1844-1910)
Henry KNAU (1836-1913)&Gertrude WILHELM (1838-1915)
George KNIGHT (1816-????)&Frances LAWSON (1820-????)
Hammed KNISKERN (1840-1910)&Susannah ALLEN (1844-1921)
Joseph KOCZEWSKI (1878-1915)&Emilia SZULCZ (1878-1954)
Charles KOEHLER (1867-1924)&Marie Catherine PFISTER (1865-1951)
Charles Alexander KOEHLER (1898-1966)&Ann Stratton Rowe (1900-1972)
Alfred KOHN (1904-2001)&Paula KAMNITZER (1906-2005)
Salie KOHN (1867-1941)&Julia BOSCOWITZ (1876-1954)
John Casper KRIEG (1851-1939)&Cora Adella YOUNG (1863-1927)

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Family Group Sheets are copyrighted by their submitters.
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