New York FGS Project
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New York Families with Surnames Beginning with G

These family group sheet files were contributed for use in the FGS Project. They may NOT
be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons.
Hugonois GACKSTATTER (1860-????)&Anna KIRCHMEIER (1865-1944)
James GARVIN (1838-1886)&Emma GASQUE (1849-1929)
Oliver Uriah GATES (1802-1882)&Catherine WEBB (1800-1875)
Silas William GATES (1848-????)&Maria Elizabeth HAVERLY (1849-1936)
Benjamin GEE (1811-1858)&Huldah PARKS (1814-1866)
Wilhelm GENSON (1820-1904)&Christina GERNENTZ (1824-1901)
Timothy GIBSON (1779-1860)&Priscilla LEE (1784-1875)
Asahel William GILBERT (1844-1919)&Nancy Loretta HOOKER (1849-1935)
Carroll Charlees GILBERT (1844-1936)&Mary Jane McGARRAY (1857-1937)
Charles Henry GILBERT (1821-1904)&Luzetta Clarinda WRIGHT (1825-1879)
Ezra Wheeler GILLETT (1819-1849)&Mary BOOTS (1825-1899)
Asa GLAZIER (1785-1852)&Lina PARSHALL (1788-1881)
Benjamin GLAZIER (1723-1756)&Lydia DAKIN (1728-1797)
Benjamin GLAZIER (1750-1827)&Elizabeth PEPPER (1745-1782)
Benjamin GLAZIER (1750-1827)&Lydia CUMMINGS (1764-1813)
Benjamin GLAZIER (1750-1827)&Olly (1772-????)
John GLAZIER (1637-1688)&Elizabeth GEORGE (1641-????)
Joseph GLAZIER (1678-????)&Sarah STEDMAN (1683-????)
Allen GOODAMOTE (1831-1884)&Aurelia Illinois GOLDEN (1,4,5) (1845-1916)
David GOODELL (1751-1825)&Sarah (1751-1837)
George GOUDGE (1837-????)&Mary EATON (1841-????)
John GOWEY (1791-1899)&Fanny JUDSON (1795-1881)
John GRAVES (1778-1855)&Abigail MUNN (1780-1816)
Nathaniel GREEN (1819-????)&Clarissa BARNES (1855-????)
Evan S. GRIFFITH (1851-????)&Angeline [LYNCH ?] (1853-????)
Peter GRISATIS (1876-????)&Frances GALISZANSKA (1888-????)

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