New York Family Group Sheet for the Ezra Wheeler Gillett Family

Husband: Ezra Wheeler GILLETT
Birthdate: 1819
Birthplace: Vermont
Death date: 1849
Place of death: Royalton, New York
Burial: Dysinger Corners, Royalton, NY
Father: Eliphal Gillett
Mother: Abigail "Nabby" Hanna

Marriage date:
Marriage place:

Wife: Mary BOOTS
Birthdate: 1825
Birthplace: Ontario County, New York
Death date: 1899
Place of death: Royalton, New York
Burial: Dysinger Corners,Royalton,NY
Father: Joseph Boots
Mother: Harriet Gower


Child No. 1: Levi H Gillett
Sex: M
Birthdate: 17 June 1846
Birthplace: Royalton, New York
Death date: 19 March 1913
Place of death: Royalton, New York
Burial: Royalton, New York
Marriage date: 02 April 1870
Marriage place: Gloversville, New York
Spouse's name: Jane Berry

Child No. 2: Emily Gillett
Sex: F
Birthdate: 27 October 1847
Birthplace: Royalton, New York
Death date: 02 Sept 1908
Place of death: Royalton, New York
Burial: Royalton, New York
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: Isaac Wesley Batchelder

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