Iowa FGS Project
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Iowa Families with Surnames Beginning with V

These family group sheet files were contributed for use in the FGS Project. They may NOT
be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons.
Charles Augustus VALENTINE (1853-1816)&Ida Alice HOLDEN (1861-1927)
George VALENTINE (1889-1919)&Cora Electa PIERCE (1893-1967)
Peter VALENTINE (1824-1897)&Matilda SMITH (1825-1894)
William Henry Van De VENTER (1838-1924)&Samantha SHEETS (????-????)
William Henry Van De VENTER (1838-1924)&Anneta Elizabeth JOY (1852-1928)
U S Grant VAN HORN (1863-1942)&Nevada S HARDENBROOK (1876-1955)
Johannes VAN WYK (1820-1873)&Neeltje NOTEBOOM (1828-1894)
Peter Herbert VAN WYK (1872-1938)&Bertha MARRA (1871-1964)
Henry Barney "Bernard" VANCE (1874-????)&Rose WERNER (1885-1963)
John Roreham VANDERPOOL (1857-1942)&Amanda M. CAMPBELL (1860-1947)
Samuel Pederson VANGSNES (1857-1912)&Ragnild Laura E. ROLANDSON (1857-1944)
John William VAUGHN (1867-????)&Minnie Mae STEELE (1875-1919)
Thomas VAUGHN (1840-1927)&Donna Emerance HAZEN (1840-1866)
Elmer Ellsworth VELEY (1865-1936)&Anna E TRUNEC (1866-1934)
Klaas VELGERSDIJK (1847-1926)&Maartje HORDIJK (1850-1935)
William VERNON (1845-1919)&Clarissa "Clara" DEW (1850-1943)
Thomas Jefferson VESSELS (1836-1863)&Harriet CLARK (1840-1905)
George Edward VIRGIL (1874-1943)&Lilly Anna BLACK (1884-1919)
Albert F F VOIGHT (1853-1923)&Johanna GAUGER (1857-1927)
Friedrich Gottlieb "Fred" VOIGT (1855-1914)&Johanne Albertine Friedrieke MILLER (1857-1908)
Johann Heinrich Adolph VOSS (1841-1914)&Katherine KAHL (1842-1925)
Gechindus [Gradus] VRIEZELAAR (1831-1877)&Maria [Mary] BREEN (1825-1909)

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Family Group Sheets are copyrighted by their submitters.
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