Iowa FGS Project
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Iowa Families with Surnames Beginning with Z

These family group sheet files were contributed for use in the FGS Project. They may NOT
be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons.
Josef ZACH (1831-1912)&Frantiska KOSINA (1828-1923)
Peter ZAHNER (1842-1917)&Elizabeth "Lizzie" BOSER (1852-1937)
William ZIEHM (1852-1926)&Maria LUTH (1866-1940)
Walter Leroy ZIMMERMAN (1887-1969)&Bessie D. HARFORD (1893-????)
Jacob ZOELLER (1820-1898)&Anna BELKEN (1834-1915)
Petter John ZOPF (1854-1935)&Ernestina KNIEHL (1857-1904)
William Frederic ZUGG (1866-1951)&Martha Marilla BRUNNER (1874-1951)
Berend ZWEEP (1862-1945)&Engeltje TEUBEN (1873-1946)

This site may be linked to but not duplicated in any manner without written consent.
Family Group Sheets are copyrighted by their submitters.
The pages are created, maintained and © 2003-2025, Gina Heffernan.
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