Iowa FGS Project
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Iowa Families with Surnames Beginning with J

These family group sheet files were contributed for use in the FGS Project. They may NOT
be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons.
Thomas W JACKSON (1824-????)&Sara F (1829-????)
John J. JAMES (1793-1870)&Mary 'Polly' CARROL (1803-????)
Virgil Joseph JANEWAY (1897-1962)&Iva Grace WOOD (1890-1973)
Adolf JANSEN (1802-????)&Ellen Marie PEDERSEN (1808-????)
Peter Hartvig JANSEN (1848-1928)&Wilhelmine UNRUH (1854-1929)
Thomas JAY (1863-1917)&Lillian Gertrude MOONEY (1869-1890)
Bertie Leonard JENSEN (1892-1949)&Jenny Christina HALIN (1898-1983)
Hans Lars JENSEN (1866-1923)&Mary Ann CORY (1871-1961)
John Jacob JERDEE (1869-1952)&Christine THOMPSON (1874-1965)
Cephas Day JOHN (1841-1913)&Elizabeth McGREGOR (1850-1937)
Alfred JOHNSON (1818-????)&Mary Elizabeth HOPPING (1825-1864)
Alfred JOHNSON (1818-????)&Nancy (1826-1888)
Alfred Lawrence JOHNSON (1898-1967)&Mildred Ann THOMPSON (1908-1996)
Archibald JOHNSON (1806-1861)&Catherine SHELDON (1812-1895)
Asa JOHNSON (1846-1928)&Martha LYMAN (1852-1914)
Daniel B. JOHNSON (1791-1864)&Sarah unknown (1792-1863)
Gus JOHNSON (1861-1930)&Clara CARLESTON (1854-????)
Henry Scott JOHNSON (1878-1960)&Mary Elizabeth SLAGLEY (1888-1944)
Hiram Alexander JOHNSON (1819-1865)&Martha H. MEANS (1822-1863)
James Thomas JOHNSON (1904-1972)&Alice Z. JOHNSON (1905-1994)
James JOHNSON (1825-1895)&Sylvia C. BLISS (1831-1893)
Jens JOHNSON (1862-1931)&Raghild OLSON (1865-1936)
John A. JOHNSON (1851-1923)&Martha Meline HENDRICKSON (1851-1918)
John A. JOHNSON (1851-1923)&Martha Meline HENDRICKSON (1851-1918)
John Washington JOHNSON (????-1900)&ROWLEY, Lydia Serena (1827-1912)
Lars Andreas JOHNSON (1857-1936)&Anna Helena THOMPSON (1865-1950)
Milton Cox JOHNSON (1808-1884)&Matilda Amanda BOTTS (1810-1892)
Orlief Ludwig JOHNSON (1863-1949)&Winnie Superior WILCUT (1876-1938)
Samuel JOHNSON (1812-1892)&Nancy FAGG (1813-1872)
Thomas J JOHNSON (1851-1910)&Mary Caroline SABIN (1854-1937)
Virgil JOHNSON (1813-1893)&Mary Virginia WILSON (1816-1898)
Alexander W. JOHNSTON (1830-1908)&Elizabeth E. HAYS (1831-1896)
Jehu Mortimer JOHNSTON (1828-1906)&Hester McKEOWN (1830-1900)
John C. JOHNSTON (1802-1863)&Madaline WHEATON (1809-1839)
Arthur V JONES (1870-1962)&Emma RITTGARN (1877-1961)
Calvin F. JONES (1843-1910)&Hannah J. YOUNG (1850-1941)
Griffon W. JONES (1832-1921)&Emily Julia AYERS (1837-1930)
James Fitzpatrick JONES (1835-1891)&Emily Jane CRAWFORD (1842-1922)
John T. JONES (1849-1902)&Sarah REESE (1849-1925)
John Thomas "J.T." JONES (1859-1937)&Nancy Maria BUCKINGHAM (1858-1926)
Trehorn JONES (1820-1890)&Elizabeth T. ARTHUR (1827-1894)
William Silas JONES (1862-1940)&Sarah Ann THAYER (1870-1941)
Daniel Thomas JORDAN (1885-1953)&Alta Mariah PARKER (1890-1959)
Stephen F. JORDAN (1841-1885)&Tennah HAGERMAN (1841-1925)
Soren Hansen JORGENSEN (1842-1910)&Helene MAMSEN (1833-1916)
John B JULIUS (1862-1944)&Bertha MUELLER (1864-1946)
John JULIUS (1822-1916)&Wilhelmina SEEMAN (1823-1888)
Lewis Benjamin JULIUS (1916-1990)&Florence Agnes WINJE (1920-2002)
William John JULIUS (1886-1969)&Mabel Claire SMITH (1881-1924)
Hans JURGENS (1819-????)&Miss PETERS (1821-????)
Peter JURSCHAK (1873-1966)&Margaret Mary FUHS (1884-1955)
Enos JURY (1822-1912)&Sidney WRIGHT (1828-1909)

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