California FGS Project
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California Families with Surnames Beginning with L

These family group sheet files were contributed for use in the FGS Project. They may NOT
be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons.
Alexander A. LAING (1840-1921)&Christina STRATTON (1846-1906)
Dr. Paul Hunt LANE (1882-1960)&Ruth RUCKER (1885-1924)
Dr. Paul Hunt LANE (1882-1960)&Elise LOMAX (1896-1988)
John Wesley LAY (1840-1913)&Martha A. COTTON (1842-1902)
Wilford George LEACH (1898-1970)&Elizabeth (????-????)
Edgar Worthington LEE (1875-1955)&Maude ROBINSON (1883-1941)
George Taylor LEON (1829-1912)&Margaret McCLOY (1822-1915)
John Albert LEONI (1842-1914)&Jaunita Juana ARTELLAN (1852-1934)
Lewis Henry LEVITT (1886-1943)&Florence Ethyl CARR (1894-1981)
Arthur Raymond LEWIS (1914-1978)&Helen Evangeline McCREARY (1915-1971)
Martin Strait LEWIS (1863-1934)&Mary Eleanor YORKER (1860-1944)
Martin Strait LEWIS (1885-1949)&Hilda M. PETERSON (1882-1935)
Washington Owsley "Wash" LEWIS (1815-1889)&Dempsey Ann TRIPLETT (1837-1875)
William Henry "Bill" LEWIS (1863-1948)&Catherine Agnesn "Katie" GAFFREY (1872-1943)
Claude Gilroy LIDGETT (1872-1908)&Ida May VESEY (1872-1937)
Harry LIVERMORE (????-????)&Mary CANFIELD (1876-????)
Raymond LIVERMORE (1897-????)&Elivira HOGGH (????-1990)
Louis LLOYD (1837-????)&Sarah Elizabeth BRAMEL (1839-1911)
Giovanni Batista LOERO (1865-1913)&Celestina STAGNARO (1865-1958)
Richard Stuart LOMAX (1867-1941)&Virginia 'Jennie' B. TURNIPSEED (1868-1956)
John LONDON (1831-1897)&Flora WELLMAN (1844-1922)
John Griffith LONDON (1876-????)&Elizabeth May MADDERN (1876-1947)
Daniel S. LOONEY (1868-1945)&Mary GRACE (1875-????)
Stephen Abner LOONEY (1861-1934)&Mary Jeanette NEWINGHAM (1870-1948)
John Alexander LOW (1904-1961)&Ella Pauline PROBERT (1908-1975)
William LOWE (1854-1929)&Laura Jane GRIFFITH (1860-1938)
Harold Arthur LUCE (1906-1946)&Mary Catherine GROVE (1908-1974)
Aaron Linton LUNDY (????-????)&Julia Belle McMULLEN (1867-1932)
John LYNCH (1851-1932)&Margaret O'BRIEN (1852-1923)
Thomas Francis LYNG (1906-1982)&Marjorie Lowe MYERS (1906-1999)

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Family Group Sheets are copyrighted by their submitters.
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