California FGS Project
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California Families with Surnames Beginning with D

These family group sheet files were contributed for use in the FGS Project. They may NOT
be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons.
Rufus Curtis DAMON (1792-1880)&Mary FARRA (1792-1828)
Minton Wells DANIELS (1881-1940)&Ruby Agnes ROBBINS (1885-1970)
Andrew James DANIELSON (1877-????)&Cora Alice MANLEY (1871-1848)
Harlow Morrell DAVIS (1885-1938)&Ruth Augusta FAVOR (1886-1961)
Jacobus "James" de FREMERY (1826-1899)&Virginie Therese HERCKENRATH (1824-1890)
James Leon de FREMERY (1858-1911)&Wilhelmina Henriette SUERMONDT (1860-1927)
Paul William de FREMERY (1898-1935)&Lucille Meredith PARR (1898-1979)
Arthur Charles DEEKS (1909-1961)&Nancy Lois (????-????)
Alfred Henry DeLANEY (1851-1930)&Nellie GILLIES (1867-1925)
Paul E. DENOVILLE (1816-1880)&Anna BRADFIELD (1932-1890)
William DEVLIN (1861-1898)&Lucy Mae TINDALL (1862-1949)
Alberto DIVOL (1855-1937)&Minnie Eliza RICE (1862-1926)
John DOLE (1821-1867)&Mary COOK (1823-1874)
Edward DOUGLAS (1860-1902)&Ellen RING (1859-1927)
Ralph E. DOUGLAS (1890-1963)&Edna LYNCH (1892-1969)
George Harrison DREW (1858-1935)&Josephine CONTRERAS (1878-1950)

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Family Group Sheets are copyrighted by their submitters.
The pages are created, maintained and © 2003-2025, Gina Heffernan.
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