California FGS Project
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California Families with Surnames Beginning with B

These family group sheet files were contributed for use in the FGS Project. They may NOT
be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons.
Arthur Lewellyn BABCOCK (1877-1955)&Ida Lillian BERNER (1884-1969)
Llewellyn G. "L.G." BABCOCK (1861-1948)&Anna Belle BINGHAM (1864-1947)
Joseph Samuel BAGWILL (1923-2003)&Virginia Barbara SMITH (1916-1979)
Rex John BAKER (1880-1958)&Nellie HAMLIN (1885-1911)
Roscoe Ray BARGER (1876-1918)&Corrinne LAIDLER (1877-1930)
Robert Henry BARKWAY (1832-1914)&Elizabeth Mary WEAVERS (1843-1920)
Fremont BARRETT (1857-1937)&Alice Cornelia FITCH (1861-1948)
Ben BEARD (1875-1956)&Nancy (1879-1966)
William Samuel BECK (1869-1951)&Emma Ann KINMAN (1862-1939)
Henry Wallace BECKSTEAD (1887-1934)&Ivadell GOUGH (1894-1974)
David BIGGS (1798-1883)&Martha CHISHOLM (1812-1860)
John Duncan BIGGS (1841-1919)&Louisa Leah SEE (1843-1931)
James Edward BOLGER (1876-1940)&Johannah Cecilia WALLACE (1874-1919)
John Lee BOONE (1843-1904)&Annie M. LAWSON (1849-1915)
John T BROWN (1822-1903)&Elizabeth FRAIN (1832-1902)
Edward J. BRYSON (1818-1870)&Susan LAWRENCE (1825-1886)
James Alexander BURNS (1829-????)&Louisa Leah SEE (1843-1831)
Joseph Jefferson BURNS (1860-1954)&Mary KING (1867-1901)
Robert E. Lee BURNS (1871-1947)&Mary Elizabeth CLARK (1883-1944)
James Robert BUTLER (1892-1991)&Chole Leona Edna INGRAM (1894-1984)
Rueben L. BUTLER (1823-1880)&Margaret BROWN (1822-1880)

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