California FGS Project
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California Families with Surnames Beginning with W

These family group sheet files were contributed for use in the FGS Project. They may NOT
be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons.
Harold Gordon WALKUP (1934-2003)&Gloria "Candy" Jean GREENLEE (1942-1996)
George Henry WALTER (1833-1903)&Emelie LANGESE (1835-1901)
John Thomas WARD (1878-1966)&Lydia KIRBY (1891-1956)
Robert W. WARD (1839-1922)&Margaret KEMP (1838-1919)
Timothy WARD (1798-????)&Bridget JONSON (1799-1862)
William Crossman WARREN (1835-1870)&Jaunita LOPEZ (????-????)
William WAYMAN (1876-1956)&Helen Stratton LAING (1882-1948)
Edgar Raymond WEAVER (1890-1956)&Lillian Clover Rae SCHRANDT (1893-1960)
Myron Grant WEAVER (1864-1938)&Iola Harriet ELSEY (1865-1954)
W. E. WEHRLE (????-????)&Abbie McMULLEN (1868-????)
William Henry WELCH (????-1938)&Luisa LUCERO (1880-1908)
John Patrick WEST (1865-1935)&Matilda DOELGER (1870-1930)
Harrison WHITE (1940-1913)&Mary CHENEY (1853-1922)
William Henry WICKHAM (1842-1922)&Mary Jane GURNEY (1853-1924)
William Corbin WILCUT (1850-1914)&Effa Emma Morilla BUTLER (1858-1889)
William Gordon WILLABEE (1869-1926)&Ida Belle HAYES (1870-1940)
John Frank WILLIAMS (1896-1940)&Clara Hazel BULLOCK (1900-1991)
John Wesley WILLIAMS (1836-1912)&Mandeville "Mandy" HILL (1856-1934)
Hiram WISER (1825-????)&Delia M. GRAY (1834-????)
Clyde Alonzo WITCRAFT (1866-1932)&Nella Almeta STAPLETON (1881-1948)
Harry Mickel WOOD (1884-1947)&Neva Grace TATUM (1890-1942)
William Perry WOODRUFF (1840-1932)&Mary Catherine FORNEY (1843-????)
Jesse Lee WREN (1891-1955)&Anna Lue JAMES (1906-1949)
Edward Crispin WRIGHT (1858-1959)&Minnie Iowa KINDIG (1864-1957)
William Emlis WRIGHT (1868-1947)&Mable PRITCHARD (????-????)
Francis John WYRUCK (1826-1884)&Nancy Jane MOORE (1840-1883)
Francis John WYRUCK (1826-1884)&Alice Augusta COLLINS (1859-1917)

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