Ohio FGS Project
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Ohio Families with Surnames Beginning with O

These family group sheet files were contributed for use in the FGS Project. They may NOT
be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons.
Steven O'DONNELL (1870-1940)&Caroline Mary NEUHOFER (1875-1959)
Alfred Joseph OGLE (1826-1874)&Roxanna Elizabeth STARNES (1833-1900)
Patrick O'LEARY (????-1875)&Julia MOYNIHAN (????-1875)
Charles O'MORROW (????-????)&? (????-????)
Peter OPDYKE (1777-1844)&Hannah LUCE (1778-1850)
Alexander ORAHOOD (????-1800)&Eve STOOKEY (????-1804)
Amos ORAHOOD (1893-1870)&Susanna BONNER (1799-1860)
Caleb ORAHOOD (1763-1840)&Phebe CUBBERLY (1776-1839)
Caleb ORAHOOD (1805-1845)&Elizabeth "Betsy" SHIRK (1808-1898)
Daniel ORAHOOD (1792-1838)&Sarah "Sally" ANDREWS (1803-1875)
Elijah ORAHOOD (1798-1860)&Rachel "Sarah" CARTER (????-1835)
Elijah ORAHOOD (1798-1860)&unknown (????-????)
Jacob ORAHOOD (1804-1873)&Priscilla GARRET (1806-1860)
James ORAHOOD (1792-1857)&Elizabeth BOYD (????-1824)
James ORAHOOD (1792-1857)&Mary "Polly" LILLY (1801-1848)
James ORAHOOD (1792-1857)&Ursula PRATER (1808-1887)
Samuel ORAHOOD (1791-1871)&Mary "Polly" DIXON (1793-1851)
Thomas ORAHOOD (1798-1860)&Catherine "Catie" BOWERS (????-1831)
Thomas ORCHARD (1760-1845)&Sarah "Sally" NORMAN (1764-1854)
Ephraim L. ORR (1831-1910)&Melissa A. WEEKS (1843-1875)
Benjamin OSBORNE (1853-1930)&Carrie M. SWEENY (1853-1929)
Samuel OVERHULSE (1820-1898)&Susannah Bell GRAHAM (1822-1856)
Samuel OVERHULSE (1820-1898)&Eliza Ann VIRICK (1839-????)
Joseph OWEN (1759-1827)&Susanna NEWELL (1769-1848)

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