Ohio FGS Project
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Ohio Families with Surnames Beginning with E

These family group sheet files were contributed for use in the FGS Project. They may NOT
be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons.
Henry EARL (1810-1882)&Lucinda STRATTON (1820-1898)
Appelles EASTMAN (1800-1869)&Maria Barbara SAGER (1802-1887)
John EDMISTON (1787-1853)&Malinda TETER (1797-1871)
Thomas EDMISTON (1765-1814)&Mary HARE (1767-1845)
Peter Lemuel EDMONDS (1818-1896)&Martha BECHTEL (1824-1885)
John EDWARDS (1735-1823)&Elizabeth (????-????)
Thomas EDWARDS (1765-1807)&Elizabeth WATKINS (1768-1830)
Hiram EGGLESTON (1803-1870)&Barbara THRALL (1813-1889)
John ELBEN (1837-1916)&Eliza Mary PERKINS (1841-1928)
Enos ELLEMAN (1802-1889)&Margaret WARD (1808-1900)
Absalom ELLIOTT (1814-1857)&Hope ROSSELL (1818-????)
Elias ELLIOTT (????-1844)&Sarah STONE (1817-????)
George Melick ELLIOTT (1830-????)&Permelia BROWN (1830-1903)
James M. ELLIOTT (1813-????)&Maria ALBERT (1815-1888)
Walter Guy ELLIS (1889-1976)&Eloda Rosita MYERS (1892-1951)
George ENGLE (1823-1903)&Sarah Catherine CRECHBAUM (1829-1888)
Jacob EOFF (1778-1854)&Sarah TAWNEY (1784-1824)
John ERVIN (1775-????)&Ascenith HERRON (????-????)
George Benson ESCOTT (1897-1967)&Alice Hazel McMILLAN (1897-1986)
Jesse Valentine ESSEX (1860-1940)&Anna Maria ANDREWS (1861-1930)
Ralph "Chub" Washington ETLING (1925-1972)&Betty Marie ADAMS (1922-1995)
Francis M. EUBANKS (1837-????)&Nancy ARNETT (1843-????)
Francis M. EUBANKS (1837-????)&Anna Elizabeth PARIS (1847-????)
Jeremiah K. EVANS (1818-1857)&Hannah QUIMBY (1818-1889)
John EVANS (1820-1880)&Catherine SWALLEY (1832-1925)
Ralph Waldo EVANS (1903-1982)&Henrietta Lucille IMPSON (1909-1964)
Robert EWING (????-1843)&Carrie (1770-????)
Robert EWING (1805-1884)&Elizabeth MILTON (1807-1870)

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