Ohio FGS Project
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Ohio Families with Surnames Beginning with P

These family group sheet files were contributed for use in the FGS Project. They may NOT
be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons.
Samuel PACKWOOD (1690-1771)&Penelope STOUT (????-????)
Samuel PAINTER (1854-????)&Polly BURNETT (1859-????)
Jakob Wilhelm PALM (1795-1877)&Anna Maria STIERLE (1802-1879)
Andrew PALMER (1808-1886)&Angeline HUBBARD (1816-1886)
Daniel PALMER (1807-1870)&Mariam HUBBARD (1814-1854)
Enoch PALMER (1807-????)&Abigail BARNUM (1808-1850)
Gilbert PALMER (????-????)&Bedah Sophia GRIFFITH (????-????)
John D. PALMER (1820-1903)&Lucinda STRASSER (1816-1898)
Joseph PALMER (1785-1852)&Sarah Sally MARTIN (1780-1852)
Malachi W. PALMER (1812-1862)&Betsy Ann HUBBARD (1822-1862)
Matthias PARISH (1812-1883)&Mary DENISON (1810-1884)
PARKER (????-????)&Cynthia Jane REED (1845-1924)
Ivan PASTARMADJIEFF (1883-1966)&Mary STOYANOV (1887-1939)
Nathanel Jacob PATCH (1797-1870)&Hannah GARRETT (1796-1869)
Cyrus Eleazer PATCHIN (1837-1904)&Permelia S. TAYLOR (1849-1931)
Henry PATTERSON (????-1850)&Sarah DUNLAP (1804-1881)
James PATTERSON (1828-????)&Amy Ellen LOUIS (1829-????)
Otto PATTERSON (1872-????)&Mary Jean (????-????)
Robert PATTERSON (1793-1860)&Eleanor BOWER (1810-????)
William Henry PATTERSON (1801-1872)&Mary Elizabeth TAYLOR (1802-1881)
John Warren PEARSON (1811-1880)&Jane PAULK (1817-1875)
Jeptha PEASLEY (1795-1827)&Maria Barbara SAGER (1802-1887)
John Adam PEASLEY (1821-1879)&Jane TEMPLE (1825-1892)
Alexander PEER (1806-1888)&Elizabeth HAVELY (1816-1841)
Samuel H PEIRCE (1785-1868)&Mary IDDINGS (1791-1867)
Samuel PEIRCE (1822-????)&Elizabeth ELLEMAN (1825-1852)
John E. PEMBERTON (1811-1891)&Serena MOTE (1828-1907)
John PENN (1800-1879)&Mary CHAMBLIN (1800-1844)
William W. PENN (1808-????)&Maryanne (1809-????)
Zachariah PENN (1844-1919)&Mary Jane HUCKLEBACH (1865-????)
Allen PENNY (1804-1846)&Mariah WORTHINGTON (1805-1875)
John PETERSON (1802-1881)&Jane CLAYPOLE (1804-1870)
Francis "Frank" PETRO (1842-1909)&Adaline RUSH (1846-1875)
Johannes PFAFF (1819-1896)&Barbara Elizabeth DEHNHARDT (1829-1902)
David PHIBBS (1801-1862)&Nancy FEELY (1814-????)
George King PHILLIPS (1809-1841)&Mercy Ann EDSON (1816-1847)
James PHILLIPS (1815-1874)&Jane McCURDY (1817-1884)
Jason PHILLIPS (1767-1828)&Anna KING (1773-1838)
John E. PHILLIPS (1836-????)&Mary A. SHANNON (1842-1886)
John Burnet PHIPPS (1829-1895)&Martha Jane CHANDLER (1832-1918)
Henry [George ?] PICKING (1796-1878)&Susannah WEAVER (1798-1873)
Simon PIERCE (1841-1877)&Sarah Sophia NEWBERRY (1843-1917)
? PIERRE (1854-1928)&Marie-Louise BARBEAU (1856-1918)
John Nelson PITZER (1825-1864)&Mary Ann AMOS (1829-1922)
Jacob POE (1793-1856)&Nancy McKINNIS (1799-1862)
Andrew PORTER (1773-1857)&Mary [Marrah] SIMPSON (1778-1860)
Nathan POTTS (1779-1845)&Rebecca AUSTIN (1796-1870)
Henry POWELL (1803-1879)&Catherine FELLER[S] (1807-1842)
Henry POWELL (1803-1879)&Margaret MYERS (1805-1869)
Henry POWELL (1803-1879)&Amelia WHITELOCK (1813-1900)
McKendra POWELL (1859-1934)&Clara May WILCOX (1870-1956)
Peter F[loyd] POWELL (1832-1922)&Sarah E. ROETHER (1851-1901)
Steven S. POWELL (????-1876)&Elizabeth (????-1883)
Daniel Joseph PRESTON (1852-1928)&Wilhelmina STEPHENS (1858-1923)
Elias PRICE (1816-1901)&Cornelia DAVID (1821-1887)
Emrys PRICE (1850-1921)&Emily JONES (1856-1932)
John PRICE (1790-1869)&Sarah WILL (1793-1870)
Daniel PRICER (1765-1825)&Sophia GRUBB (1770-1831)
David PRICER (1824-1891)&Malinda EDMISTON (1825-1902)
Henry PRICER (1793-1879)&Elizabeth Ann Maria BENNER (1797-1858)
Artemus Ward PRIEST (1833-1898)&Martha Jane ATHEY (1837-1894)
Clyde Dry PRIEST (1892-1954)&Mary Theresa SULLIVAN (1894-1977)
George PRIEST (1867-1952)&Hannah Virginia DRY (1863-1916)
Sanford PRIEST (1801-1885)&Sabitha HOLMES (1807-1889)
William PRIEST (1772-1851)&Elizabeth (1773-1838)
Michael PRILL (1777-1850)&Elizabeth ABERNATHY (1782-1871)
Samuel PRILL (1807-1900)&Rebecca HAMMER (1812-1889)
David C. PRINCE (1813-1861)&Hannah FULK (1822-1895)
John Anderson PRINCE (1847-1926)&Naomi Jane GILMORE (1849-1931)
Jacob PROBASCO (1799-1869)&Jane COLLEY (1809-1866)
William L. PROBERT (1832-????)&Angeline (1835-????)
Cleon Milton PROSS (1907-1961)&Maudena G YOUNG (1910-2002)
Allen PRYOR (1823-1888)&Amelia Frances NEWMAN (1821-1899)
Augustus Marion PRYOR (1854-1947)&Amelia KELLEY (1856-1950)
Stanley PRZYMIERSKI (1882-1941)&Sophie ZOLTANSKA (1885-1956)
Wladyslaw Francis PRZYMIERSKI (1870-1923)&Antonina [Anna] SKONIECZNA (1883-1925)

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