Alabama FGS Project
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Alabama Families with Surnames Beginning with P

These family group sheet files were contributed for use in the FGS Project. They may NOT
be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons.
James Andrew Jackson PACE (1821-1921)&Margaret Ellen BUMPERS (????-????)
Joseph Washington PALMER (1845-1933)&Rebecca Ann BROWN (1850-1936)
William Martin PALMER (1860-????)&Nancy Clementine NEWELL (1865-1947)
Nathaniel PARKS (1788-1850)&Mary MEADOR (1796-1856)
Meredith PARSONS (1826-1904)&Sarah LAKEY (1825-1907)
James Isom / Isham PATTERSON (1795-1875)&Margaret BROWN (1795-1875)
Joseph G. PATTERSON (1836-1917)&Finetta LOFTIN (1828-1907)
William PATTERSON (1860-1950)&Amelia "Mealy" MOTLEY (????-????)
Charles William PATTY (????-????)&Mary Ann MEEKS (????-1880)
Francis Marion PATTY (1858-1917)&Martha Ann ESTES (1855-1913)
Jesse F. PATTY (????-1886)&Nancy D. NICHOLS (1858-1915)
Newton Edward PEARSON (1861-1934)&Amanda Florella WILSON (1856-1929)
Anthony Randloph PEELER (1800-1836)&Sarah MALONE (1810-1870)
Amos Moses "Mose" PENNINGTON (1875-1958)&Mary Precilla FINCH (1872-1904)
Grover PENNINGTON (1900-1964)&Ethel CARR (1912-1998)
Murray Quillen PENNINGTON (1898-1974)&Betty Earline JOHNSON (1900-1996)
Samuel PERKINS (1804-????)&Mahala PERKINS (1816-????)
Benjamin Franklin PERRY (1826-1863)&Sarah Jane TAYLOR (1828-1870)
Britton PERRY (1786-1831)&Mary DENNIS (1778-1859)
Horatio Gates PERRY (1840-1865)&Susan Frances PRESTRIDGE (????-????)
John PERRY (1754-1828)&Sarah FERRELL (1761-1860)
Loemia Jasper "L.J." PERRY (1838-1865)&Susan Francis PRESTRIDGE (????-????)
William Oliver PERRY (1854-1949)&Lillie Hamilton MCGEE (????-????)
William Oliver PERRY (1854-1949)&Virginia COSBY (1868-1948)
Benjamin Franklin PETERMAN (1785-????)&Milinda DOWDY (1797-????)
William I. "Bill" PETERS (????-????)&Eudocia E. "Docie" NEWELL (1872-????)
John Henry PETERSON (1888-1971)&Mary BROWN (1889-1941)
Joe Payne "Jack" PHILLIPS (1861-1946)&Belle DAVIS (1858-1953)
Meredith A. PHILLIPS (1827-1880)&Sarah Rebecca "Sallie" BEASLEY (1828-1908)
William Floyd "Bill" PHILLIPS (1857-1928)&Belle A. R. PLUNKETT (????-????)
William Floyd "Bill" PHILLIPS (1857-1928)&Eugenia Viola "Genie" BRAGG (1871-1956)
William Henry PHILLIPS (1880-1941)&Nancy Embaline WALKER (1888-1979)
James M. PICKETT (1825-1880)&Emeline (1830-1880)
Hope PINKNEY (????-????)&Lucille Foster PINKNEY (1916-1980)
Bascomb Lamar PLEDGER (1888-1960)&Gypsy Dora RIGDON (1891-1950)
Johnson Simmons PLEDGER (1823-????)&Mary 'Mollie' STEWART (1827-1878)
William Albert PLEDGER (1884-1962)&Clara Daisy DeLOACH (1884-1967)
William Albert PLEDGER (1884-1962)&Nettie V. BROWN (1897-1941)
William Albert PLEDGER (1884-1962)&Shirley Elise SCOTT (1920-2006)
Samuel POND (1807-1878)&Sarah SMITH (1806-1867)
Jesse PORTER (1795-????)&Elizabeth (1805-????)
William J PORTER (1835-1863)&Martha P. WATSON (1838-1877)
Gadsden Palestine POSEY (1848-1933)&Martha Rhoda FARLEY (1843-1911)
Samuel Thomas POTTS (1876-1946)&Sally Lee MORELOCK (1886-1957)
William Jasper POTTS (1843-1931)&Martha Matilda REAGIN (1848-1939)
William Parks POTTS (1877-1960)&Anna Costella WATERS (1880-1944)
Charles Bertrand POWELL (1859-1923)&Anna Louise CURTIS (1861-1942)
Lewis POWELL (1779-????)&Patience WATSON (1782-????)
Robin POWELL (1840-1924)&Elizabeth SMITH (1845-1924)
Archibald Marion PRESTON (1858-1926)&Georgia Anna SEATS (1878-1918)
James Madison PRESTRIDGE (1814-1893)&Emily S. EZELL (1816-1887)
Joseph W. PRESTRIDGE (1794-1836)&Elizabeth D. BAGLEY (1798-1874)
Leroy PRICE (1843-????)&Mary Jane ROBERTSON (1851-????)
William T. PURDY (1845-1929)&Nancy A. ELLIOTT (1853-1924)
John Allen PYLANT (1810-1876)&Mary A. HARKINS (1810-1881)
Thomas H. PYRON (1806-1891)&Lucinda BREWER (1811-????)

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