Alabama FGS Project
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Alabama Families with Surnames Beginning with D

These family group sheet files were contributed for use in the FGS Project. They may NOT
be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons.
John R. DAILEY (1855-1912)&Rutha NEWELL (1873-1950)
George Harris DANIEL (1841-1923)&Nancy Emaline "Scrap" HILL (1848-1924)
Ketrell F. DANIEL (1817-????)&Judy F. "Jude" ALLGOOD (1821-????)
Richard J DANIEL (1832-1863)&Sarah ALDRIDGE (1834-1876)
William DANIEL (????-????)&Susannah (????-????)
Georg Friedrich DANNER (1787-????)&Anna Margaretha Barbara HORN (????-1838)
Brittain DAVIS (1793-1871)&Elizabeth COKER (1794-1889)
Edward Hunter DAVIS (1850-1920)&Edith Ann BRYANT (1852-1938)
Elisha DAVIS (1803-????)&Sinney BENNETT (1815-????)
Fay Oswald DAVIS (1898-????)&Dena Ethel FINCH (????-????)
James Franklin DAVIS (1840-1915)&Charity Sophronia ELLIOTT (1852-1927)
Thomas T DAVIS (1825-????)&Meahania ALDRIDGE (1826-????)
William McKinley DAVIS (1833-1889)&Virginia Elizabeth (1834-1914)
William Thomas DAVIS (1827-1869)&Sarah or Elizabeth ??? (????-????)
Wilson L DAVIS (1791-1855)&Leacy BABB (1800-1891)
Zachary Pryor DAVIS (1863-1953)&Martha "Mattie" Lucinda COTTON (1873-1943)
John Andrew DeARMOND (1844-1932)&Rutha J. DAVIS (1850-1930)
Solomon "Sol" DeARMOND (1887-1950)&Anna Belle "Daisy" LEDBETTER (1889-1932)
John Dickenson DELOACH (1850-1944)&Mary Jane DUNCAN (1852-1879)
John Dickenson DELOACH (1850-1945)&Ruth Amaryliss NIX (1846-1932)
Daniel DEES (1828-????)&Harriet Celissa BULLARD (1830-????)
Nicholas DELAFIELD (1790-1854)&Sarah GORMAN (1805-1878)
William DELAFIELD (1763-1860)&Nancy ??? (1765-1830)
Wm. H. DEWBERRY (1852-1937)&Nannie (1872-1920)
Charles Irvin DICK (1852-1887)&Elizabeth Ann MASK (1848-1921)
Levi Leondus 'Lon' DICK (1849-1911)&Mary F. GREEN (1857-1909)
William Livingston DICK (1825-1928)&Martha Ann LEE (1829-1879)
Robert DIXON (1849-1892)&Mary A. WALTERS (1842-1917)
Thomas Jefferson DIXON (1839-1919)&Mary Frances HUMPHRIES (1846-1904)
George Henry DODD (1865-????)&Mahala Hazel BAILEY (1872-1900)
George W. DODDS (1852-1890)&Amanda E. NEWELL (1850-1924)
George Washington DODDS (1852-1889)&Amanda Elizabeth NEWELL (1850-1924)
Elijah Burton DOLLAR (1854-1917)&Sylvania NEWELL (1867-????)
Ruben Pickney DOLLAR (1818-1839)&Frances REASONHOOVER (1823-1906)
James Frank DOUGLAS (1858-1936)&Emma Virginia McGOWIN (1862-1904)
James Frank DOUGLAS (1858-1936)&Martha Lee JACKSON (1880-1926)
William E. DRISKILL (1787-1852)&Elizabeth "Betsy" METCALF (1794-1873)
Mathew DRIVER (1823-1865)&Temperance McQUEEN (1825-1900)
Francis Gordon 'Frank' DUDLEY (1852-1930)&Caroline May 'Carrie' CAFFEY (1857-1939)
Albert Henry DUDNEY (1877-1968)&Lucy Lurella SIZEMORE (1886-1952)
John L. DUDNEY (1842-1889)&Florence Mae ROBERTSON (1852-????)
John Charles DUNCAN (1803-1863)&Frances REAVES (1805-1863)
Julius Jefferson DUNCAN (1860-1912)&Martha Ellen DAVIS (1867-1960)
Julius M. DUNCAN (1829-1863)&Elizabeth HANCOCK (1835-1887)
Joseph Carroll DUNLAP (1808-1865)&Rebecca COX (1814-1865)
William Osburn DUNLAP (1812-1899)&Lavinia 'Vinia' TULLIS (1818-1895)
William Y. DUNN (1815-????)&Lucretia Maria / Moriah BROWN (1824-????)
Enoch James DUNNAM (1833-1864)&Rebecca E. DOWNEN (1832-1911)
William Davis DUNNAM (1807-1860)&Elizabeth (1806-1860)
William Henry DUNSON (1833-1913)&Delilah Emiline PATTY (1843-1900)
John DYER (1790-1846)&Leander (1799-????)

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